Last change of this documentation page: 2022-06-02 of SolidGeometry 4.2
exp_2018_08_17_ATMEGA256- SCRIPT for analyzing drilling holes in an STL printed circuit board based on image projection

exp_2018_08_17_ATMEGA256% exp_2018_08_17_ATMEGA256 - SCRIPT for analyzing drilling holes in an STL printed circuit board based on image projection
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-17 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.3
% exp_2018_08_17_ATMEGA256
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

symbforwkine(a,b,WL)- returns a forward kinematic calculation from a symbolics links list description

symbforwkine(a,b,WL)% symbforwkine(a,b,WL) - returns a forward kinematic calculation from a symbolics links list description
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-16 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% This fnctn takes a cell list "b" of symbolic 4x4 matrices with exactly
% one degree of freedom (1DoF). They are generated, for example, by the
% fnctn SGTofDHset.
% These are now converted by matrix multiplication into fnctns of the
% endpoints of a kinematic chain. The first 4x4 matrix has 1Dof, the
% second matrix then 2DoF etc. This cell list Ti of the symbolic
% equations for calculating the endpoints of the kinematic chain is then
% converted into a cell list H of handeles of the corresponding matlab
% fnctns. The fnctns in H can then be used to calculate the endpoints
% numerically. Optionally, an angle list is generated, which is a
% permutation of angle positions at each DoF. (Status of: 2018-08-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGTofDHset
% [Ti,LL,H]=symbforwkine(a,b,[WL])
% a: unused yet
% b: cell list of n symbolics symbolic HT matrices x of 1doF rotational
% links
% WL: List of k angles of n links [k x l]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% Ti: cell list of n symbolic HT matrices of b link end points
% LL: matrix [n x 3 x k]
% H: matlab fnctn handles the calculation of Ti
% SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0 ;0 10 pi 0;0 10 0 pi/2;10 0 pi/4 0; 10 0 pi/4 0]); show
% [a,b]=SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0 ;0 10 pi 0;0 10 0 pi/2;10 0 pi/4 0; 10 0 pi/4 0]);
% symbforwkine(a,b);
% [e,f,g]=symbforwkine(a,b,2)
% e{:},g{:}
% See also: SGTofDHset
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b,WL)- EXPERIMENT that returns a forward kinematic calculation from a symbolics links list description

exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b,WL)% exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b,WL) - EXPERIMENT that returns a forward kinematic calculation from a symbolics links list description
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-14 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% will be renamed into symbforwkine (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% [Ti,LL,H]=exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b,[WL])
% a: unused yet
% b: cell list of n symbolics symbolic HT matrices x of 1doF rotational
% links
% WL: List of k angles of n links [k x l]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% Ti: cell list of n symbolic HT matrices of b link end points
% LL: matrix [n x 3 x k]
% H: matlab fnctn handles the calculation of Ti
% SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0 ;0 10 pi 0;0 10 0 pi/2;10 0 pi/4 0; 10 0 pi/4 0]);
% [a,b]=SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0 ;0 10 pi 0;0 10 0 pi/2;10 0 pi/4 0; 10 0 pi/4 0]);
% exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b);
% [e,f,g]=exp_2018_08_14_forwkinsym(a,b,2)
% e{:},g{:}
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

FLremdoublevertex(FL)- returns the indices of a FL that a double entry vertex index

FLremdoublevertex(FL)% FLremdoublevertex(FL) - returns the indices of a FL that a double entry vertex index
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-14 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% If in a Facet list there exist a degenerated traingle such as [1 1 2]
% or [1 2 1]
% this facet is found by this fnctn.
% fi=FL(:,1)==FL(:,2) | FL(:,1)==FL(:,3) | FL(:,2)==FL(:,3);
% (Status of: 2020-02-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% fi=FLremdoublevertex(FL)
% FL: Facet list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fi: removal facet index
% FLremdoublevertex([1 2 3;3 2 1;2 1 2; 4 2 4])
% Copyright 2018-2020 Tim C. Lueth

SGofVLalphaShape(VL,al)- returns the alphashape of a vertex list

SGofVLalphaShape(VL,al)% SGofVLalphaShape(VL,al) - returns the alphashape of a vertex list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-14 as class: TETRAHEDRONS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: alphaShape, alphaTriangulation, triangulation, freeBoundary
% SG=SGofVLalphaShape(VL,[al])
% VL: Vertex List
% al: optional alpha radius
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry of the Alpha Shape
% [a,b,c,d,e,f]=invkinrplan3(5,10,5); VL=f(e,:); SGfigure; VLplot(VL,'.'); view(-30,30)
% SGofVLalphaShape(VL)
% See also: alphaShape, alphaTriangulation, triangulation, freeBoundary
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

isrealr(VL)- returns whether all elements on a row are real

isrealr(VL)% isrealr(VL) - returns whether all elements on a row are real
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-14 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% similar concept to norm and normc and normr (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: isreal
% ri=isrealr(VL)
% VL: vector list with rows and columns [n x m]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ri: index list; r(i)==true if all elements of VL(i,:) = real
% invkinrplan3(10,10,10,[10 10 10;14 14 10]); isrealr(ans)
% invkinrplan3(10,10,10,[10 10 10;14 14 14]); isrealr(ans)
% See also: isreal
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

exp_2018_08_12_torsion (VL,wr,ccw,CPL,n)- EXPERIMENT to create torsion ropes

exp_2018_08_12_torsion (VL,wr,ccw,CPL,n)% exp_2018_08_12_torsion (VL,wr,ccw,CPL,n) - EXPERIMENT to create torsion ropes
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-13 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Several fnctns have already been designed by the author to extrude a
% body along a path: SGofCPLCVVLR, SGcontourtube, SGcontourtube2,
% SGofCPLtransT. If the cross-sectional contour CPL is always to be
% perpendicular to the path and a rotation about the z-axis is to be
% realized at the same time (torsion), the body is constricted. This can
% only be avoided by deviating from the original path and placing a helix
% around the path. This extends the distance and reduces constriction.
% The rotation around ez is connected with a curvature around ex/ey. This
% happens, for example, when shooting up a sheet while sailing or a
% climbing rope. The inverse kinematics of a 6D robot also allows this
% problem to be solved.
% This experiment illustrates different couplings of a curvature with the
% rotation around the z-axis. (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% exp_2018_08_12_torsion([VL,wr,ccw,CPL,n])
% VL: 2 Points as list {x1 y1 z1; x2 y2 z2]
% wr: rotation angle
% ccw: [fx fy fz] value for cw or ccw for rotation x rotation y and
% rotation z; default is [1 1 1]
% CPL: cross section contour ; default is CPLSample(33)
% n: number of rotations per pi
% testfunctTL('exp_2018_08_12_torsion('''',#3,[#1 #2]);',[-1 0 +1],[-1 0 +1],1*[pi -pi])
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGofCPLtransT(CPL,T1,T2)- returns a solid from a 2D contour and a list of frames

SGofCPLtransT(CPL,T1,T2)% SGofCPLtransT(CPL,T1,T2) - returns a solid from a 2D contour and a list of frames
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-13 as class: SURFACES)
% In combination with TLofCVL, this fnctn will replace in future mostly
% all other fnctns such as: SGofCPLCVLR, SGcontourtube, SGcontourtube2,
% SGof2T, SGof2SGT. (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: TLofCVL, SGofCPLCVLR, SGcontourtube, SGcontourtube2, SGof2T,
% SGof2SGT
% CPL: Closed Polygon List separated by nan
% T1: Frame 1 [4 x 4] or List of frames [4 x 4 x n]
% T2: Frame 2 [4 x 4], optional
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry SG.VL, SG.FL
% FLS: Facets of the start cover
% FLE: Facets of the end cover
% FLW: Facets of the contour wall
% TS: starting frame
% TE: ending frame
% SGofCPLtransT(CPLsample(13),eye(4),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/20),[0 0 40]));
% TL=TLofCVL(VLsample(4),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'rad'); SG=SGofCPLtransT(CPLsample(27)/20,TL); SGfigure(SG); view(-30,30);
% See also: TLofCVL, SGofCPLCVLR, SGcontourtube, SGcontourtube2, SGof2T,
% SGof2SGT
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

TLofCVL(OVL,R,T1,T2,typ,tor,aux)- returns a list of frames that connect a start frame and an end frame along a spatial contour

TLofCVL(OVL,R,T1,T2,typ,tor,aux)% TLofCVL(OVL,R,T1,T2,typ,tor,aux) - returns a list of frames that connect a start frame and an end frame along a spatial contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-11 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% This fnctn creates a list of HT frames for a vertex list, a start frame
% and an end frame as well as a radius specification with which a
% transition between start and end frames can be achieved. First,
% VLradialEdges2T adds radii to the contour in order to avoid strong
% curvature changes. The rotation by ez remains between the Start Frame
% and the End Frame. For this purpose support points are inserted on long
% straight lines. Then the necessary rotation error between the start
% frame and the end frame is determined in relation to the broken curve
% surface normal (VLedgeNormal). The required rotatation is equally
% distributed between start and end points (Status of: 2021-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGofCPLtransT, VLradialEdges2T, VLedgeNormal
% Ti=TLofCVL([OVL,R,T1,T2,typ,tor,aux])
% OVL: Open Path to follow in 3D
% R: Radius; default is 2
% T1: Start Frame
% T2: End Frame
% typ: type 'rad', 'rmax', 'tan'; default is 'rad'; see VLradialEdges2T
% tor: true=>torsion; false=>no torsion; default is true
% aux: distance of axiliary points; default is R/3
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% Ti: List of HT-Matrixes (4 x 4 x n] for n vertices
% TLofCVL(VLsample(7),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'rad');TL=ans;
% TLofCVL(VLsample(7),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'rmax');TL=ans;
% TLofCVL(VLsample(7),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'tan');TL=ans;
% TLofCVL(VLsample(3),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'tan',true);TL=ans;
% TLofCVL(VLsample(3),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'tan',false);TL=ans;
% TLofCVL(VLsample(3),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'tan',false,inf);TL=ans; % No auxiliary points
% TLofCVL(VLsample(3),2,eye(3),rot(0,0,pi/2),'tan',false,inf);TL=ans; % No radial solution points
% See also: SGofCPLtransT, VLradialEdges2T, VLedgeNormal
% Copyright 2018-2021 Tim C. Lueth

PLtangentcirc3(PL,R,maxR)- returns the a circ segment between p1 and p3 with radius R

PLtangentcirc3(PL,R,maxR)% PLtangentcirc3(PL,R,maxR) - returns the a circ segment between p1 and p3 with radius R
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-10 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% A warning of thrown if the fnctn is called without R as 3rd output
% argument in contrast to PLtangentcirc, this fnctn calculates an outer
% radius solution instead of throwing a warning (Status of: 2018-08-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLradialEdges, VLtangentcirc, PLtangentcirc, PLradialEdges,
% VLradialEdges2T
% [PLE,p2x,R]=PLtangentcirc3([PL,R,maxR])
% PL: three points [p1; p2; p3]
% R: Desired Radius
% maxR: option to maximize the radius
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLE: Point List to replace 2nd point of the list
% p2x: Center Points of the Radius
% R: Radius used in PLtangentcirc
% EXAMPLE: try different examples
% PLtangentcirc (CPLsample(1),5);
% PLtangentcirc (PLsample(5)); % warning
% [~,~,r]=PLtangentcirc (PLsample(5)) % No warning
% See also: VLradialEdges, VLtangentcirc, PLtangentcirc, PLradialEdges,
% VLradialEdges2T
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

sphere_line_intersection(l1,l2,sp,r)- returns the crossing points of a sphere and a straight line

sphere_line_intersection(l1,l2,sp,r)% sphere_line_intersection(l1,l2,sp,r) - returns the crossing points of a sphere and a straight line
% (by Paul Bourke & Campbell Barton, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-08 as class:
% This implementation is taken from the python 3.2 code:
% and transfered to Matlab by Tim Lueth
% at Greg Hager's House in Mt. Crested Butte (Status of: 2018-08-08)
% See also: crosscircline
% [p1,p2]=sphere_line_intersection(l1,l2,sp,r)
% l1: line point 1 [ x y z]
% l2: line point 2 [ x y z]
% sp: sphere center coordinate [ x y z]
% r: radius R
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% p1: return crossing point 1 if exist or []
% p2: return crossing point 2 if exist or []
% [a,b]=sphere_line_intersection([0 0 0], [0 0 1],[0 0 0],4) % two
% crossing points
% [a,b]=sphere_line_intersection([0 4 0], [0 4 1],[0 0 0],4) % one
% crossing point
% See also: crosscircline

crosscircline(C,R,p,ez)- returns the cross points of a circle and a straight line

crosscircline(C,R,p,ez)% crosscircline(C,R,p,ez) - returns the cross points of a circle and a straight line
% (by Tim Lueth, Video-Lib, 2018-AUG-06 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% The solution was created using the Symbolics toolbox. Therefor, the
% solutions may not correspond.
% syms cx cy w R y0 k y1 x0 k x1
% r=solve(cx + cos (w) * R ==y0 + k * y1, cy +sin (w) * R == x0 + k *
% x1,k,w,'Real',true)
% (Status of: 2018-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: tangent2circ, circcirc, cross2circ, PLof3dist, PLchordof2PR,
% crossz, PLcross2Lines
% [P,K,W]=crosscircline(C,R,p,ez)
% C: Center of circle [x y]
% R: Radius of circle
% p: point on straight line
% ez: direction of straight line
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% P: List of 2 Points
% K: List of 2 K values
% W: List of two angle
% testfunctTL('crosscircline([0 0],4,[#1 #2],[.5 1])',[-5 5],[-3 2]);
% testfunctTL('crosscircline([0 0],6,[#1 #2],[.5 1])',[-5 5],[-3 2]);
% crosscircline([0 0],4,[0 2],[1 1]) % two solutions
% crosscircline([0 0],4,[5 5],[1 1]) % two solutions
% crosscircline([0 0],4,[4 10],[0 1]) % one Solution
% crosscircline([0 0],4,[5 10],[0 1]) % No Solution
% See also: tangent2circ, circcirc, cross2circ, PLof3dist, PLchordof2PR,
% crossz, PLcross2Lines
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth


exp_2018_08_04_jointsubstraction% exp_2018_08_04_jointsubstraction - EXPERIMENT TO CREATE A SUBSTRACTION BODY FOR CREATING JOINTS FROM BARS
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-04 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Just before flying out to Prof. Greg Hager (JHU) in Colorado (Status
% of: 2020-07-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: exp_2020_07_02_subtractjoint
% F=exp_2018_08_04_jointsubstraction
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% F: Final Substraction Body
% See also: exp_2020_07_02_subtractjoint
% Copyright 2018-2020 Tim C. Lueth

SGsimpleNDItracker(d,H,A)- creates a tracker for NDI spheres using a distance list

SGsimpleNDItracker(d,H,A)% SGsimpleNDItracker(d,H,A) - creates a tracker for NDI spheres using a distance list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-01 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGsimpleHinge
% [SG,cp]=SGsimpleNDItracker(d,[H,A])
% d: distance list such as [40 50 60]
% H: height of the tracker
% A: Geometry of the mounting posts
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Resulting Solid Geoemtry
% cp: center point
% loadweb NDI_STLs.mat
% SGsimpleNDItracker([80 50 40],'',NDI_mountingpost);
% A=SGsimpleNDItracker([80 50 40],[],NDI_mountingpost);
% B=SGbending(A,40); SGfigure(B)
% See also: SGsimpleHinge
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

PLchordof2PR(PL,R,rhand)- returns a radial segment for a given chord / arc tendon and a radius

PLchordof2PR(PL,R,rhand)% PLchordof2PR(PL,R,rhand) - returns a radial segment for a given chord / arc tendon and a radius
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-01 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: tangent2circ, circcirc, cross2circ, crosscircline, PLof3dist,
% crossz, PLcross2Lines, sofrd, dofRintrusion, rofRintrusion,
% Rofrdintrusion
% [PL1,PL2,m1,m2]=PLchordof2PR(PL,R,[rhand])
% PL: [starting point of chord; end point of chord]
% R: Radius
% rhand: true = right hand; false = left hand; default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL1: short angle (red)
% PL2: long angle (green)
% m1: center on left side
% m2: center on right side
% PLchordof2PR([0 0;10 0],5)
% PLchordof2PR([0 0;10 0],9)
% PLchordof2PR([0 0; 10 9],20,false);
% PLchordof2PR([0 0; 10 9],20,true);
% See also: tangent2circ, circcirc, cross2circ, crosscircline, PLof3dist,
% crossz, PLcross2Lines, sofrd, dofRintrusion, rofRintrusion,
% Rofrdintrusion
% Copyright 2018-2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGboxpacking(SG,tstr,dim,turn)- combines SGpacking and SGboxing

SGboxpacking(SG,tstr,dim,turn)% SGboxpacking(SG,tstr,dim,turn) - combines SGpacking and SGboxing
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Auxiliaray fnctn to prepare print jobs for Selective Laser Sintering
% (Status of: 2018-08-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGpacking, SGboxing, SGpatternXYZ, SGcopyrotZ, SGarrangeSG,
% SGarrangeSGC, SGCaddSGn, SGCaddSG
% [SGC,SGA,SGB]=SGboxpacking(SG,[tstr,dim,turn])
% SG: SG or SGcs to pack and box
% tstr: text string for cover
% dim: Box dimensions for printing
% turn: false==keep orientation; true==optimize space; default is true
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGC: complete print job SG
% SGA: packaged solids of SG
% SGB: box aroound SGA
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat; SGboxpacking(JACO,'JACO-ROBOT',[500 500 500]);
% SGboxpacking(JACO,'JACO-ROBOT',[500 500 500],false);
% See also: SGpacking, SGboxing, SGpatternXYZ, SGcopyrotZ, SGarrangeSG,
% SGarrangeSGC, SGCaddSGn, SGCaddSG
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGofVLFLSGc(SGc)- returns only the Solid Geometry of structs, Solid, Vertex or Facet list

SGofVLFLSGc(SGc)% SGofVLFLSGc(SGc) - returns only the Solid Geometry of structs, Solid, Vertex or Facet list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-AUG-01 as class: SURFACES)
% all frames etc are lost. This fnctn is used to structure several
% printjobs
% Could be extended to handels, pde models etc. (Status of: 2018-08-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGpacking
% SGc: Any kind of SG: A.SG, A{}, A.VL,A.FL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Struct only with fields SG.Vl and SG.FL
% load JACO_robot.mat
% See also: SGpacking
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

PLtransC(PL,C,w)- rotates a point list around a center

PLtransC(PL,C,w)% PLtransC(PL,C,w) - rotates a point list around a center
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-31 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: PLtransP, PLtransR, PLtrans, PLtrans0, PLtrans1, PLtransT
% PL=PLtransC(PL,C,w)
% PL: Point List [nx2]
% C: Center of rotation default is zero
% w: angle of rotation default is pi/2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL: Resulting Point list
% PLtransC(PLsquare(30,20),[0 50],pi/4)
% See also: PLtransP, PLtransR, PLtrans, PLtrans0, PLtrans1, PLtransT
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGsimpleHinge(H,D,X,sl,ch,oa,ba,Ri);- returns a simple swivel hinge

SGsimpleHinge(H,D,X,sl,ch,oa,ba,Ri);% SGsimpleHinge(H,D,X,sl,ch,oa,ba,Ri); - returns a simple swivel hinge
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-30 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% First version as tutorial for Alexandra Mercader (Status of: 2018-08-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGmodelLink2
% [SG,SG1,SG2,SG3]=SGsimpleHinge([H,D,X,sl,ch,oa,ba,Ri]);
% H: height in z
% D: depth in y; default is H/2
% X: Depth in x; default is D/2
% sl: slot size; default is 0.3mm for SLS
% ch: chain; default is false
% oa: opening angle starting at 5*pi/4; default is []==closed
% ba: angle intervall [intervall, start]; not supported yet
% Ri: inner Radius; default is R/1.5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Complete Solid Geometry
% SG1: Upper Part, 'yellow
% SG2: Lower Part
% SG3: Middle Part
% SGsimpleHinge(20,20,5); SGanalyzeGroupParts(ans)
% SGsimpleHinge(20,20,5,'',true); SGanalyzeGroupParts(ans)
% SGsimpleHinge(20,20,5,'',true,0); SGanalyzeGroupParts(ans)
% testfunctTL('SGsimpleHinge(20,[],[],[],#1,#2)',[true,false],[nan 0])
% See also: SGmodelLink2
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

tangent2circ(A0,B0,ra,rb)- returns outer and inner tangents of 2 circles

tangent2circ(A0,B0,ra,rb)% tangent2circ(A0,B0,ra,rb) - returns outer and inner tangents of 2 circles
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-29 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% The angle can be used such as A1=A0+[ex*cos(+w1)+ey*sin(+w1)]*ra;
% (Status of: 2018-08-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: cross2circ, PLof3dist, PLchordof2PR, crossz
% [A,B,exey,w]=tangent2circ(A0,B0,ra,rb)
% A0: Center of circle A
% B0: Center of circle B
% ra: radius of circle A
% rb: radius of circle B
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% A: Positions outer 1 outer 2 inner 1 inner 2 of circle A [4 x 2]
% B: Positions outer 1 outer 2 inner 1 inner 2 of circle B [4 x 2]
% exey: [ex;ey vector starting at A0 towards B0
% w: angle solutions relative to ex and ey
% EXAMPLE: try
% tangent2circ([0 0],[15 0],3,6) % 4 Solutions
% tangent2circ([0 0],[10 0],6,6) % 2 Solutions
% tangent2circ([0 0],[2 0],6,3) % 0 Solutions
% tangent2circ([0 0],[4 0],4,2) % 2 Solutions
% tangent2circ([0 0],[4 0],2,2) % 2 Solutions touching circle
% tangent2circ([0 0],[4 0],1,6) % No Solution
% See also: cross2circ, PLof3dist, PLchordof2PR, crossz
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

VLradialEdges2T(VL,R,TA,TB)- returns a vertex list (VL) with rounded/broken wrt to start and end frames

VLradialEdges2T(VL,R,TA,TB)% VLradialEdges2T(VL,R,TA,TB) - returns a vertex list (VL) with rounded/broken wrt to start and end frames
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-29 as class: ANALYZING PROCEDURES)
% VLradialEdges uses VLtangentcirc uses PLtangentcirc
% Replaces edges by a radial curve. The desired radius can be reduced
% automatically if necessary. It is possible to maximize the radius
% automatically.
% In case that R is negative; VLbreakEdges is used instead (Status of:
% 2018-07-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: PLradialEdges, SGcontourtube, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez, PLtangentcirc,
% VLtangentcirc, SGbreakCorners, SGradialCorners
% NVL=VLradialEdges2T(VL,[R,TA,TB])
% VL: Vertex list nx3
% R: Radius; default is 1
% TA: Rotation Matrix for Start Point
% TB: Rotation Matrix for End Point
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NVL: New vertex list
% VLradialEdges2T(VLsample(5),+3,TofR(rot(0,pi/2,0)),rot(0,pi/1.2,0))
% VLradialEdges2T(VLsample(5),-3,TofR(rot(0,pi/2,0)),rot(0,pi/1.2,0))
% See also: PLradialEdges, SGcontourtube, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez, PLtangentcirc,
% VLtangentcirc, SGbreakCorners, SGradialCorners
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

PLtransform_2018(PLA,PLB,sl,CL)- transforms ONE PL into another PL

PLtransform_2018(PLA,PLB,sl,CL)% PLtransform_2018(PLA,PLB,sl,CL) - transforms ONE PL into another PL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% PLtransform returns OPEN CPLs
% Make sure that orientation is the same (Status of: 2020-08-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGof2CPLz, FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelate, CPLcorrelate,
% PLtransform
% PLc=PLtransform_2018(PLA,PLB,[sl,CL])
% PLA: Point list A
% PLB: Point list B
% sl: percentage between 0==PLA and 1==PLB; list of values
% CL: Correlation List, see PLcorrelate
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PLc: CPL ==> or cell list of CPLs if numel (sl)>1
% PLtransform(CPLofPL(PLcircle(10,4)),CPLofPL(PLstar(10)),0.5)
% PLtransform(CPLofPL(PLstar(10)),CPLofPL(PLcircle(10,4)),0.2)
% PLtransform(CPLofPL(PLstar(10)),CPLofPL(PLcircle(10,4)),0.5); PLc=ans
% PLtransform(CPLofPL(PLstar(10)),CPLofPL(PLcircle(10,4)),[0.5 0.7]); PLc=ans
% See also: SGof2CPLz, FLofPLcorrelation, PLcorrelate, CPLcorrelate,
% PLtransform
% Copyright 2018-2021 Tim C. Lueth

Tsample- shows samples of frames based on Tofn

Tsample% Tsample - shows samples of frames based on Tofn
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% rewritten completely based on Tofn in SG-Lib 5.2 (Status of: 2022-04-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: Tofn, TLofn
% Tsample
% See also: Tofn, TLofn
% Copyright 2018-2022 Tim C. Lueth

DeepL- just opens the browser with the DeepL translation tool

DeepL% DeepL - just opens the browser with the DeepL translation tool
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-28 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGgrabcad
% DeepL
% EXAMPLE: Just try: DeepL
% See also: SGgrabcad
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGTbaseunderSG(SGR)- creates a solid as base plated under a given solid

SGTbaseunderSG(SGR)% SGTbaseunderSG(SGR) - creates a solid as base plated under a given solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-27 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGplateunder
% [SG,SGC]=SGTbaseunderSG(SGR)
% SGR: Solid or Cell list of SOlids
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid under the first Element of SG
% SGC: Cell list with SG as now first element
% SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0;0 20 pi 0; 0 20 0 pi/2]); A=ans
% SGTbaseunderSG(A);
% See also: SGplateunder
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

permutevector(ps1,ps2,ps3)- creates vector list based on parametersets

permutevector(ps1,ps2,ps3)% permutevector(ps1,ps2,ps3) - creates vector list based on parametersets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-26 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: publishTL, testfunctTL
% VL=permutevector([ps1,ps2,ps3])
% ps1: paraneter set 1
% ps2: paraneter set 2
% ps3: paraneter set 3
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Value vector list
% permutevector([4 5 6],[2 5 6],[9 8])
% permutevector([4 5 6],[2 5 6])
% permutevector([4 5 6])
% See also: publishTL, testfunctTL
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

forwkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,WL)- forward kinematic of a planar rz 2 arm rotating around an arm z axis

forwkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,WL)% forwkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,WL) - forward kinematic of a planar rz 2 arm rotating around an arm z axis
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-26 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: invkinrplan3, SGTofDHset, SGTofDenavitHartenberg
% [VL3,VL2,VL1,RL3,TL3]=forwkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,[WL])
% d1: distance of link 1
% a2: width of link 2
% a3: width of link 3
% WL: Linst of angle (n x 3)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL3: Coordinates of link3
% VL2: Coordinates of link2
% VL1: Coordinates of link1
% RL3: Rotation matrix at link 3 [3,3,n]
% TL3: HT matrix at link 3 [4,4,n]
% forwkinrplan3(10,10,10,[0 0 0; pi pi/3 pi/4;pi/3 -pi/3 pi/3; pi/2 0
% pi/2 ])
% See also: invkinrplan3, SGTofDHset, SGTofDenavitHartenberg
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

invkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,VL)- returns the angles for a rotating planar two arm kinematic

invkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,VL)% invkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,VL) - returns the angles for a rotating planar two arm kinematic
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-26 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This fnctn contains the solution for a Jaco-Style 3DoF Kinematic
% (Status of: 2018-07-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: forwkinrplan3, invkinplan2
% [aW,aU,bW,bU,ri,VL]=invkinrplan3(d1,a2,a3,[VL])
% d1: Height of the base
% a2: length of link 2
% a3: length of link 3
% VL: Vertex list [n x 3]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% aW: Set of Configuration A (ellbow up)
% aU: Set of Configuration B (ellbow down)
% bW: Set of Configuration C (reverse ellbow up)
% bU: Set of Configuration D (reverse (ellbow down)
% ri: row index of VL for real solutions
% VL: Vertex list if created by this fnctn
% invkinrplan3(20,15,10,permutevector(2:2:10,2:2:10,0));
% See also: forwkinrplan3, invkinplan2
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

subfig (p)- creates subfigures on the screen similar to subplot

subfig (p)% subfig (p) - creates subfigures on the screen similar to subplot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-25 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: copyfig
% subfig([p])
% p: position similar to subplot
% for i=1:4; SGfigure(SGbox([30,20,10])); view(-30,30);end
% for i=1:4; SGfigure(SGbox([30,20,10])); view(-30,30); copyfig; end
% for i=1:4; SGfigure(SGbox([30,20,10])); view(-30,30); copyfig;
% subfig(i); end
% See also: copyfig
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

testfunctTL(Eterm,)- testing macro that executes creates a list of different parametertests

testfunctTL(Eterm,)% testfunctTL(Eterm,) - testing macro that executes creates a list of different parametertests
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-25 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% uses evalin('caller',eterm) for execution to be able to use the defined
% variables in the command workspace (Status of: 2018-07-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: publishTL, permutevector
% testfunctTL(Eterm,[])
% Eterm: fnctn string; Variables are listed as "#1" ,"#2, "%3"
% testfunctTL('SGcontourtube2(PLcircle(1),VLsample(#1));',[2 3 8 12 13 14
% 20 21 22]);
% testfunctTL('[#1 #2 #3]',[1 2 3],[4 5],[6 7])
% testfunctTL('VLradialEdges(VLsample(#1))',2:3)
% testfunctTL('VLedgeNormal(VLradialEdges(CVLofVL(VLsample(#1))));',[3 7
% 8 12 13 14 20 21 22]);
% See also: publishTL, permutevector
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGcontourtube2(CPL,VL)- extrudes a CPL along a path given as CVL

SGcontourtube2(CPL,VL)% SGcontourtube2(CPL,VL) - extrudes a CPL along a path given as CVL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-24 as class: SURFACES)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2018-08-17) - USE 'SGofCPLtransT' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% Improved Version of SGcontourtube
% Powerful procedure to extrude PLs [nx2] anlog a path (Status of:
% 2018-08-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: [ SGofCPLtransT ] ; TLofCVL, SGofCPLCVLR, SGcontourtube,
% SGofCPLtransT, SGof2T, SGof2SGT, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez
% [SG,FLS,FLE,FLW,TS,TE]=SGcontourtube2(CPL,VL)
% CPL: Closed point list [nx2]
% VL: Vertex list [nx3]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid geometry
% FLS: FL of starting surface
% FLE: FL of ending surface
% FLW: FL of the wall
% TS: Starting Frame
% TE: End Frame
% VL=VLhelix(40,100,3*pi);
% SGcontourtube(PLcircle(10),VL)
% SGcontourtube2(PLcircle(10),VL)
% See also: [ SGofCPLtransT ] ; TLofCVL, SGofCPLCVLR, SGcontourtube,
% SGofCPLtransT, SGof2T, SGof2SGT, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

Rofez(ezz,ystab)- returns a rotation matrix based on a list of ez vector

Rofez(ezz,ystab)% Rofez(ezz,ystab) - returns a rotation matrix based on a list of ez vector
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-23 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% could be improved in combination with VLedgeNormal (Status of:
% 2018-07-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLedgeNormal
% R=Rofez(ezz,[ystab])
% ezz: ez vector or list of ez vectors
% ystab: true== fix y-axis; false== fix x-axis; default is true;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% R: Rotation matrix or vector of rotation matrices
% Rofez([0 0 1]
% Rofez([0 0 1;0 0 -1])
% See also: VLedgeNormal
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGTofDHset(DHS,r,g)- returns the solids for a kinematic chain defined by DH parameter

SGTofDHset(DHS,r,g)% SGTofDHset(DHS,r,g) - returns the solids for a kinematic chain defined by DH parameter
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-20 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGof2T, SGTset, SGTofDenavitHartenberg, SGTchain
% [SG,Ti,SGN,Tii,E]=SGTofDHset(DHS,[r,g])
% DHS: Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter [nx3] [d a wx] or [d a xw xy]
% r: optional diameter for tube
% g: optional offset for phiz
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cell list of Solid Geoemtries
% Ti: Cell ist of Symbolic Equation
% SGN: Compiled Solid using the kinematic chain
% Tii: Cell list of complete symbolic equations
% E: Final movement matrix of the TCP
% EXAMPLE: SGTofDHset([10 0 pi/2])
% SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2;0 20 pi;10 0 pi/2; 3 0 pi/4; 3 0 pi/4],1,pi/10); SG=ans
% SGTofDHset([20,0,pi/2 0;0 20 pi*0.99 0;0 20 0 pi/2]) % including roation around y
% SGTofDHset([20 0 pi/2 0; 0,20,pi 0;0 10 0 pi/2;10 0 pi/4 0; 10 0 -pi/4 0;10 0 0 0])
% SGTofDHset([50 0 0 0; 100,0,pi/2 0;0 100 pi*0.99 0;0 100 0 pi/2],[PLcircle(10);nan nan; PLsquare(12)]); SGA=ans;
% SGTofDHset([50 0 0 0; 100,0,pi/2 0;0 100 pi*0.99 0;0 100 0 pi/2],[PLsquare(20);nan nan; PLcircle(7)]); SGA=ans;
% See also: SGof2T, SGTset, SGTofDenavitHartenberg, SGTchain
% Copyright 2018-2022 Tim C. Lueth

invkinplan2(l1,l2,PL)- returns the inverse kinematic for a planr 2 arm robot

invkinplan2(l1,l2,PL)% invkinplan2(l1,l2,PL) - returns the inverse kinematic for a planr 2 arm robot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-19 as class: MECHANICAL PROCEDURES)
% This is just an example how to implement the results of
% exp_2018_07_19_invers_kin.mlx into a numeric fnctn. It containts the
% closed analytical inverse kinematic for 2 swinging arms. This fnctn can
% be used to simulate the movement of fourbar linkages (wrt. Franz
% Irlinger)
% Format for PL (3rd Parameter):
% [] => Cartesian Grid of 100 Points
% n => Cartesian Grid of n x n Points
% [x y] => Single Point
% [r x y] => Radius and location of a crank (60 samples)
% [r x y n] => Radius and location of a crank (n samples)
% [r x y n s] => Radius and location of a crank (n samples) and angle
% segment in degree
% [r x y n s w] => Radius and location of a crank (n samples) and segment
% and start in degree
% (Status of: 2019-05-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: realfourbarsolutions, checkfourbarsegment, miofPLA0B0,
% shiftindexofinvkinplan2, wofcross2circ, invkinrplan3,
% exp_2018_07_19_invers_kin.mlx, plot4Bar
% [W,U,B1,B2,rs,PL,ss]=invkinplan2(l1,l2,[PL])
% l1: length first link
% l2: length second link
% PL: Point list (n x 2) or [r dx dy] or [r dx dy n] or
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% W: Angle Pair [n x 2] for solution 1
% U: Angle Pair [n x 2] for solution 2
% B1: Endpoint of Arm 1 for solution 1
% B2: Endpoint of Arm 1 for solution 2
% rs: real solutions index; true ~ solution exist
% PL: used Point list in case that PL was empty or a triple for a circle
% ss: Singularity Index rs&ss
% EXAMPLE: invkinplan2(25,20,[20 20; 25 25;27 27])
% w=0:0.3:2*pi; w=w'; PL=30*[cos(w) sin(w)];
% invkinplan2(20,11,PL)
% w=0:0.3:2*pi; w=w'; PL=10*[cos(w) sin(w)]+[-30 +5];
% invkinplan2(30,20,PL)
% w=0:0.1:2*pi; w=w'; PL=10*[cos(w) sin(w)]+[-30 10]; invkinplan2(50,80,PL);
% invkinplan2(50,80); % Check work space
% invkinplan2(50,80,[10 -40 10]); % Check a fourbar linkage
% See also: realfourbarsolutions, checkfourbarsegment, miofPLA0B0,
% shiftindexofinvkinplan2, wofcross2circ, invkinrplan3,
% exp_2018_07_19_invers_kin.mlx, plot4Bar
% Copyright 2018-2019 Tim C. Lueth

SGTofDenavitHartenberg(D,A,be,r,g)- returns from Denavit-Hartenberg values, a solid, frames and a symbolic description for DH

SGTofDenavitHartenberg(D,A,be,r,g)% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(D,A,be,r,g) - returns from Denavit-Hartenberg values, a solid, frames and a symbolic description for DH
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-13 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn returns for give parameter sets with respect to the
% Denavit-Hartenberg (1955) notation:
% d=displacement in z
% a=displacement in x
% b=rotation around x
% a modern style link (shape along z trajectory)
% 6Dof Roboter lassen sich aus praktischen Gründen (Nutzung und
% Berechnung der inversen Kinematik sinnvoller Weise wie folgt entwerfen:
% 1. Trennung von Hand und Roboter in je drei Achsen.
% 2. Die 6. Achse ist eine möglichst kurze reine Z-Achse.
% 3. Die 5. und 4. Achse erlaube eine möglichst kompakte Drehung auf
% einer Kugeloberfläche
% 4. Die 1. Achse ist eine Z-Achse die so hoch ist dass 2 und 3 optimale
% arbeiten können
% 5. Die 2 und 3 Achse ind quasi gleich lang. 3 ist kürzer weil 4 und 5
% und 6 noch dazu kommen.
% Die inverse Kinematik wird so gelöst, dass ausgehend vom Zielpunkt
% z-Achse 6 definiert ist
% (Status of: 2018-07-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGTofDHset, SGof2T, SGTset, SGTchain
% [SGT,T]=SGTofDenavitHartenberg(D,A,be,[r,g])
% D: Distance in z
% A: Distance in z
% be: fixed rotation value around x-axis or [x-axis/yaxis]
% r: optional Radius of the tube; default is max(D,A)/10
% g: optional angle as offset for a rotation at the base; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGT: Solid Geoemtry including Frames
% T:
% EXAMPLE: Different common robotics links:
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(10,0,0);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(10,10,0);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(10,0,pi/2);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(0,10,pi);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(10,0,pi/4,3);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg(10,0,pi/2,'',pi/2);
% SGTofDenavitHartenberg (0,20,[0,pi/2]);
% See also: SGTofDHset, SGof2T, SGTset, SGTchain
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

gcahandleofSG- returns the handle to all patches of gca

gcahandleofSG% gcahandleofSG - returns the handle to all patches of gca
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUL-10 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% This fnctn returns the handle to all patches in the current graphics
% axis. I tcan be used to change color, transparency, or to create a SG.
% (Status of: 2018-07-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: ispatch, SGofgca
% h=gcahandleofSG
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle of all patches in gca
% SGfigure; view(-30,30); SGplot(SGbox([30,20,10]));
% setplotlight(gcahandleofSG,'b',0.2), show
% See also: ispatch, SGofgca
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

subsvar(f,sv,)- replaces several symbols in an equation

subsvar(f,sv,)% subsvar(f,sv,) - replaces several symbols in an equation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUN-29 as class: SYMBOLICS)
% This fnctn is required to substitute several symbols or terms in a
% symbolic equation (Status of: 2018-06-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% g=subsvar(f,sv,[])
% f: original term / equation
% sv: array of symbols to substitute or [s1 v1; s2 z2];
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% g: resulting term / equation
% syms x(t) D C F m; dx=diff(x); ddx=diff(x,2);
% f=dsolve(m*ddx+D*dx==0, x(0)==0,x(6)==1); sv=symvar(f)
% subsvar(f,[D m],[1 1])
% subsvar(f,[D 1;m 1])
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL,vi)- returns the vertex normal for the vertices of a solid

VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL,vi)% VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL,vi) - returns the vertex normal for the vertices of a solid
% (by Yilun Sun, CT-Image, 2018-JUN-21 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% This fnctn calculates the vertex normal from the average normal of the
% surrounding facets weighted by the corresponding angles.
% Arrows are drawn only up to 100 vertices
% - This fnctn may be can accelerated by triangulating only the facet
% attached to the vertices (TL) (Status of: 2018-08-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: vertexNormalbyFN, PLnorm, PLELnorm, PLFLfaceNormal, VLnorm,
% VLFLnormf, VLFLfaceNormal, VLedgeNormal, VLFLfaceAngles
% - Grit Thuermer and Charles A. Wuethrich (1998): "Computing vertex
% normals from polygonal facets", Journal of Graphics Tools, Volume 3
% Issue 1, Mar 1998, Pages 43-46
% NVL=VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL,[vi])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% vi: optional vertex index; default is all
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NVL: Normal Vector List [nf x 3]
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(4); VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(5); VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL);
% [VL,FL]=VLFLsample(11); VLFLvertexNormal(VL,FL)
% See also: vertexNormalbyFN, PLnorm, PLELnorm, PLFLfaceNormal, VLnorm,
% VLFLnormf, VLFLfaceNormal, VLedgeNormal, VLFLfaceAngles

usedinEL(NEL)- returns a list of unique numbers and the number of use in the list

usedinEL(NEL)% usedinEL(NEL) - returns a list of unique numbers and the number of use in the list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-JUN-02 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Auxiliary fnctn for searching in non manifold or corrupted edge lists
% (Status of: 2019-06-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: graphofEL, ELplot
% PIL=usedinEL(NEL)
% NEL: Any kind of list of integers, such as EL, FL
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PIL: Entry index list [Entry number]
% CPLoftext('test'); CPL=ans; % Create contours
% CPL=rounddiv(CPL,3); % Grid will create non manifold edges
% SGfigure; CPLplot(CPL); [PL,EL]=PLELofCPL(CPL);
% [PL,EL]=VLELshort(PL,EL); % removed doubled used points
% EL=unique(EL,'rows','stable'); % remove doubled edges
% EL=EL(EL(:,1)~=EL(:,2),:) % remove point type edges
% usedinEL(EL)
% TR=delaunayTriangulation(PL,EL);
% SGfigure; VLFLplot(TR.Points,TR.ConnectivityList(isInterior(TR),:))
% B.VL=VLaddz(TR.Points); B.FL=TR.ConnectivityList(isInterior(TR),:)
% B=SGshort(B); % remove unused points
% SGremsurfedgepoints(B)
% See also: graphofEL, ELplot
% Copyright 2018-2019 Tim C. Lueth

FEsort(FEL)- groups and sorts unsorted edge lists

FEsort(FEL)% FEsort(FEL) - groups and sorts unsorted edge lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-APR-18 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2018-04-18) - USE 'ELsortFE' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% Same as ELsortFE
% Feature Edge lists are unsorted and not directed. This fnctns separates
% the edge lists into groups of meshes and contours and sorts contours
% into one direction. There is no guarantee that it is the right
% direction since the vertices are unknown to this fnctn. (Status of:
% 2018-04-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% [EL,CEL,mi]=FEsort(FEL)
% FEL: Unsorted edge list for instance a feature edge list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Edge list
% CEL: Contour index list
% mi: mesh index; false = contour, true is mesh
% FEsort(FEofSG(SGsample(32)))
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

ELsortFE(FEL)- groups and sorts unsorted edge lists

ELsortFE(FEL)% ELsortFE(FEL) - groups and sorts unsorted edge lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-APR-18 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% Feature Edge lists are unsorted and not directed. This fnctns separates
% the edge lists into groups of meshes and contours and sorts contours
% into one direction. There is no guarantee that it is the right
% direction since the vertices are unknown to this fnctn. (Status of:
% 2018-04-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: ELconnectedgroups, CELofEL
% [EL,CEL,mi]=ELsortFE(FEL)
% FEL: Unsorted edge list for instance a feature edge list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Edge list
% CEL: Contour index list
% mi: mesh index; false = contour, true is mesh
% ELsortFE(FEofSG(SGsample(32)))
% See also: ELconnectedgroups, CELofEL
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

PLchamfer(z,ph,sh,d)- returns a point list for chamfer shape fncts

PLchamfer(z,ph,sh,d)% PLchamfer(z,ph,sh,d) - returns a point list for chamfer shape fncts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-APR-11 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% written in Al-Dakhla, Marocco,
% From a z value and a phase distance, several different curves are
% calculate that can be used to create chamfers of 2.5D solids using
% fnctn SGchamfer
% line - direct chamfer
% circ - 90 degree chamfer
% circ2 - 90/-90 degree chamfer
% circ3 - 90/-90/90 degree chamfer
% bezier - 90 degree Bezier spline
% bezier2 - 90/-90 degree Bezier spline
% bezier3 - 90/-90/90 degree Bezier spline
% mattheck - zugdreieck-methode nach mattheck ~ tan(0..1.32)
% (Status of: 2021-01-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGchamfer, PLchamfer2side
% PL=PLchamfer([z,ph,sh,d])
% z: height
% ph: chamfer thickness
% sh: shape such as 'line', 'circ'
% d: value for straight end distance
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL: Point list for a chamfer design
% PLchamfer(10,-10)
% PLchamfer(10,-10,'circ')
% PLchamfer(10,-10,'bezier')
% cla; PL=[PLchamfer(10,+10,'mattheck')+[10 0]; 0 10; 0 0; ], CPLplot(PL); SGofCPLrot(PL)
% See also: SGchamfer, PLchamfer2side
% Copyright 2018-2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGfiguremovie(fname,mtime,angle,ofs)- creates a movie from a simple rotating view point in MP4 Format

SGfiguremovie(fname,mtime,angle,ofs)% SGfiguremovie(fname,mtime,angle,ofs) - creates a movie from a simple rotating view point in MP4 Format
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-12 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2022-02-01) - USE 'Videoquickstart, figurerotate,
% Videoquickcloseandopen' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% This fnctn is also helpful to learn to create movies from figure
% snapshots
% 2018-04-17 Default format changed from 'AVI' to 'MPEG-4'
% (Status of: 2021-01-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: [ Videoquickstart, figurerotate, Videoquickcloseandopen ] ;
% getgcatitle, imageVideoWrite, SGfigurevideo, SGfigure, SGtitle,
% SGfigureannotation, imageVideoEndtitle, imageVideoFrames,
% imageVideoTextPage, imageVideoTitle, videoCopyCutMovies,
% videoCopyFrames, figurerotate
% SGfiguremovie([fname,mtime,angle,ofs])
% fname: file name on desktop; default is 'SGfiguremovie.avi'
% mtime: movie time; default is 6 seconds
% angle: turning angle; default is [10 370]
% ofs: offset to start angle; default is 0
% SGsample(25);
% SGfiguremovie
% SGfiguremovie('',3)
% SGfiguremovie('',3,[-20 20])
% See also: [ Videoquickstart, figurerotate, Videoquickcloseandopen ] ;
% getgcatitle, imageVideoWrite, SGfigurevideo, SGfigure, SGtitle,
% SGfigureannotation, imageVideoEndtitle, imageVideoFrames,
% imageVideoTextPage, imageVideoTitle, videoCopyCutMovies,
% videoCopyFrames, figurerotate
% Copyright 2018-2022 Tim C. Lueth

SGfigureannotation(str,bc,sz,sl,hl)- creates a simple help text annotation into the current figure

SGfigureannotation(str,bc,sz,sl,hl)% SGfigureannotation(str,bc,sz,sl,hl) - creates a simple help text annotation into the current figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-12 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Used in fnctns such as SGTui (Status of: 2020-10-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: plotannotation, SGfigurevideo, SGfigure, SGtitle,
% titleofcaller, annotation, SGhelptext
% h=SGfigureannotation(str,[bc,sz,sl,hl])
% str: string
% bc: backgoundcolor; default is unchanged
% sz: text size; default is 10
% sl: starting position from bottom; default is 0.97%
% hl: height of annotation; default is 1-sl
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to annotation
% SGfigure;
% SGfigureannotation('This is a simple help text','y',16,0.9)
% See also: plotannotation, SGfigurevideo, SGfigure, SGtitle,
% titleofcaller, annotation, SGhelptext
% Copyright 2018-2020 Tim C. Lueth

SGplot4(SG,)- plots a solid in 4 views

SGplot4(SG,)% SGplot4(SG,) - plots a solid in 4 views
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-08 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLplot4, SGplot
% SGplot4(SG,[])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% EXAMPLE: SGplot4(SGsample(25),'m')
% See also: VLFLplot4, SGplot
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLremsurfedgepoints(VL,FL,alpha,minf)- returns a surface model without edge points and surface points that are inside of a surface

VLFLremsurfedgepoints(VL,FL,alpha,minf)% VLFLremsurfedgepoints(VL,FL,alpha,minf) - returns a surface model without edge points and surface points that are inside of a surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-06 as class: SURFACES)
% Calls fnctn as SGremsurfedgepoints. This fnctn is useful if a
% tetrahedron model (pde mesh) is converted into a surface model, or a
% solid is bent somehow. Afterwards there a surfaces that consist of many
% vertices that are in the same plane. This fnctn analyses the surface
% and retesselate all surface based only on the boundary vertices.
% (Status of: 2018-03-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel,
% SGremsurfedgepoints
% [VLN,FLN,FLNorg,FSi]=VLFLremsurfedgepoints(VL,FL,[alpha,minf])
% VL: Vertex list of surface model
% FL: Facet list of surface model
% alpha: alpha angle for feature surface; default is 0.01
% minf: minimum facets per face; default is 4
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VLN: New vertex list surface model with reduced vertices
% FLN: New facet list surface model with reduced vertices
% FLNorg: Reduced Facet list based on the original vertex list
% FSi: Feature surface index list
% EXAMPLE: Remove surface and edge points
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,5)
% SGofpdemodel(model); B=ans; VL=B.VL; FL=B.FL;
% VLFLremsurfedgepoints(B.VL,B.FL)
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel,
% SGremsurfedgepoints
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

ELremove(EL,indl)- removes an index from an unsorted edge list

ELremove(EL,indl)% ELremove(EL,indl) - removes an index from an unsorted edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-06 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% throws an error if an index list element is not part of the edge list
% (Status of: 2018-03-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: ELsort
% ELN=ELremove(EL,indl)
% EL: original unsorted edge list
% indl: index to be removed, or index list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ELN: new unsorted edge list without the index
% EXAMPLE: remove one index
% EL=[1 3;3 2;100 1;2 100]
% ELremove(EL,100)
% ELremove(EL,[1 2])
% See also: ELsort
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGremsurfedgepoints(SG,alpha,minf)- returns a surface model without edge points and surface points that are inside of a surface

SGremsurfedgepoints(SG,alpha,minf)% SGremsurfedgepoints(SG,alpha,minf) - returns a surface model without edge points and surface points that are inside of a surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-06 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is useful if a tetrahedron model (pde mesh) is converted
% into a surface model, or a solid is bent somehow. Afterwards there a
% surfaces that consist of many vertices that are in the same plane. This
% fnctn analyses the surface and retesselate all surface based only on
% the boundary vertices.
% (Status of: 2020-12-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% [SGN,FLN,FSi]=SGremsurfedgepoints(SG,[alpha,minf])
% SG: Solid Geometry surface model
% alpha: alpha angle for feature surface; default is 0.01
% minf: minimum facets per face; default is 5; smalles value
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: New surface model with reduced vertices and faces
% FLN: Reduced Facet list based on the original vertex list
% FSi: Feature surface index list
% EXAMPLE: Remove surface points and points on the line:
% A=SGlinkage(5,30,5)
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,1)
% SGofpdemodel(model); B=ans
% SGremsurfedgepoints(B)
% SGremsurfedgepoints(SGsphere(10),0.1); % 0.1 makes sense
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% Copyright 2018-2021 Tim C. Lueth

SGplotsurfaceload (SG,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec)- plots the surface load of a solid geometry

SGplotsurfaceload (SG,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec)% SGplotsurfaceload (SG,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec) - plots the surface load of a solid geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-03 as class: FEM/PDE)
% This fnctn displays the surfaceload sitation that is used as input for
% the fnctns:
% pdesolvesurfaceload
% pdestressstatic
% SGshapeOptiCAO
% (Status of: 2018-03-23)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: pdestressstatic, pdesolvesurfaceload, SGshapeOptiCAO
% SGplotsurfaceload(SG,[fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fixfacet: list of fix Feature surfaces (green)
% loadfacet: list of loaded Feature surfaces (red)
% loadvec: vector of load per Feature surface
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'FixedFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are fixed
% 'LoadFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are loaded
% 'Load' : the load list according to LoadFaceIndices(unit of load is N)
% A=SGbox([100,40,40]); SGfigure;
% subplot(1,2,1); FSplot(A); view(30,30);
% subplot(1,2,2); SGplotsurfaceload(A,[4 5],3,1e4); view(30,30);
% SGfigure; h=SGplot(A); setplotlight(h,'w',0.8);
% SGplotsurfaceload(A,4,3,[0 -1e4 0]); view(30,30)
% SGfigure; h=SGplot(A); setplotlight(h,'w',0.8); view(30,30);
% SGplotsurfaceload (A,'FixedFaceIndices',4,...
% 'LoadFaceIndices',[3 3 NaN 5],'Load',[0 0 -4; 0 0 6; NaN NaN NaN;0 -2
% 0])
% See also: pdestressstatic, pdesolvesurfaceload, SGshapeOptiCAO
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLremsurfpoints(VL,FL,)- returns a surface model without surface points that are inside of a surface - boundary/edge points are unchanged

VLFLremsurfpoints(VL,FL,)% VLFLremsurfpoints(VL,FL,) - returns a surface model without surface points that are inside of a surface - boundary/edge points are unchanged
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-02 as class: SURFACES)
% Calls fnctn as SGremsurfpoints. This fnctn is useful if a tetrahedron
% model (pde mesh) is converted into a surface model, or a solid is bent
% somehow. Afterwards there a surfaces that consist of many vertices that
% are in the same plane. This fnctn analyses the surface and retesselate
% all surface based only on the boundary vertices. (Status of: 2018-03-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% [VLN,FLN,FLNorg,FSi]=VLFLremsurfpoints(VL,FL,[])
% VL: Vertex list of surface model
% FL: Facet list of surface model
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VLN: New vertex list surface model with reduced vertices
% FLN: New facet list surface model with reduced faces
% FLNorg: Reduced Facet list based on the original vertex list
% FSi: Feature surface index list
% EXAMPLE: Remove surface points
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,5)
% SGofpdemodel(model); B=ans; VL=B.VL; FL=B.FL;
% SGremsurfpoints(B)
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGremsurfpoints(SG,alpha)- returns a surface model without surface points that are inside of a surface - boundary/edge points are unchanged

SGremsurfpoints(SG,alpha)% SGremsurfpoints(SG,alpha) - returns a surface model without surface points that are inside of a surface - boundary/edge points are unchanged
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-MÄR-02 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is useful if a tetrahedron model (pde mesh) is converted
% into a surface model, or a solid is bent somehow. Afterwards there a
% surfaces that consist of many vertices that are in the same plane. This
% fnctn analyses the surface and retesselate all surface based only on
% the boundary vertices. (Status of: 2018-03-02)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% [SGN,FLN,FSi]=SGremsurfpoints(SG,[alpha])
% SG: Solid Geometry surface model
% alpha: alpha angle for feature surface; default is 0.01
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: New surface model with reduced vertices and faces
% FLN: Reduced Facet list based on the original vertex list
% FSi: Feature surface index list
% EXAMPLE: Remove surface points
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,5)
% SGofpdemodel(model); B=ans
% SGremsurfpoints(B)
% See also: VLFLremsurfpoints, SGofpdemodel
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGofpdemodel(model)- returns a solid geometry surface model of a pde model

SGofpdemodel(model)% SGofpdemodel(model) - returns a solid geometry surface model of a pde model
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-28 as class: FEM/PDE)
% the tetrahedron models of the model.Mesh are used to create a
% tetrahedron triangulation. The freeboundary surface of this model is
% used to create the surface model.
% In contrast to tetramesh, the tetrahedrons in 3D pde models have 11
% vertices. (Status of: 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, SGremsurfpoints
% SG=SGofpdemodel(model)
% model: pde model created by pdemodelofSG
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solud Geometry surface model
% A=SGlinkage(5,40,5)
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,1)
% SGofpdemodel(model)
% See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, SGremsurfpoints
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

VLFLplotfacets(VL,FL)- plot a facet list as separate independent facets

VLFLplotfacets(VL,FL)% VLFLplotfacets(VL,FL) - plot a facet list as separate independent facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-28 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: VLFLplot
% h=VLFLplotfacets(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex list or SG
% FL: Facet list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle list of all facets
% EXAMPLE: loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% SGfigure; VLFLplotfacets(JCF)
% setplotlight(h,'w',0.4)
% See also: VLFLplot
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGofFS(SG,alp,fsi,t,d,s)- returns a list of solid geometries that are attached to features surfaces

SGofFS(SG,alp,fsi,t,d,s)% SGofFS(SG,alp,fsi,t,d,s) - returns a list of solid geometries that are attached to features surfaces
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-28 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is more ore less the same as SGofSurface, but the surfaces
% are addressed as Feature Surfaces. This fnctn is an auxiliary fnctn to
% create pretty (more visible) representations of surfaces (Status of:
% 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGofSurface, FSofSG
% [SGc,FSc]=SGofFS(SG,[alp,fsi,t,d,s])
% SG: Solid geometry
% alp: alpha angle to calculate the feature surfaces; default is 1
% fsi: feature surface list; default is all
% t: thickness of the solid; default is 0.5 used in SGofSurface
% d: distance from the surface; default is 0.3 used in SGofSurface
% s: distance from the surface; default is 0.3 used in SGofSurface
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGc: Cell list of Solids related to fsi
% FSc: Cell list of Vertex list and facet list of the FS related to fsi
% A=SGlinkage(5,40,5)
% SGofFS(A,[],[4 5],2);
% See also: SGofSurface, FSofSG
% Copyright 2018 Tim C. Lueth

SGshapeOptiCAO(SG,)- returns the optimized shape of a given structure based on biological growth

SGshapeOptiCAO(SG,)% SGshapeOptiCAO(SG,) - returns the optimized shape of a given structure based on biological growth
% (by Yilun Sun, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-22 as class: FEM/PDE)
% The principle of the procedure is to allow the design proposal for the
% desired component to grow into a shape of constant von Mises stress at
% its surface.
% It is possible to consider different load situations. In this case
% (Status of: 2018-03-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: pdestressstatic, SGplotsurfaceload, FSplot
% - Harzheim, Lothar (2014): Strukturoptimierung - Grundlagen und
% Anwendungen, Europa Lehrmittel.
% [SG,result,model,IterationAnalysis]=SGshapeOptiCAO(SG,[])
% SG: Solid Geometry of the initial design proposal(unit is mm)
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'MaxElementSize' : the maximal length of meshing element; def=1
% 'LoadFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are loaded
% 'Load' : the load list according to LoadFaceIndices(unit of load is N)
% 'FixedFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are fixed
% 'NonOptFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are not to be
% optimized
% 'IterationNumber' : the maximal iterations for the optimization, def 30
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry of the optimized structure
% result: FEM anaysis result of the optimized structure(from PDE Toolbox)
% model: pdemodel of the optimized structure(from PDE Toolbox)
% IterationAnalysis: logged information of every optimization iteration
% SG1 = SGbox([2,5,2]);
% SGshapeOptiCAO(SG1,'MaxElementSize',0.4,'LoadFaceIndices',[5],...
% 'Load',[0 0 -4],'FixedFaceIndices',6);
% [SG2,result,model,IA] = SGshapeOptiCAO(SG1,'MaxElementSize',0.4,...
% 'LoadFaceIndices',[6],'Load',[0 0 -4],'FixedFaceIndices',5);
% SGfigure(SG2);
% SGshapeOptiCAO(SG1,'MaxElementSize',0.4,...
% 'LoadFaceIndices',[6 NaN 6],...
% 'Load',[0 0 -4;NaN NaN NaN;0 0 5],'FixedFaceIndices',5);
% See also: pdestressstatic, SGplotsurfaceload, FSplot

pdestressstatic(model,result,inputParser)- returns the calculated static stress inside a SG based on a pde model

pdestressstatic(model,result,inputParser)% pdestressstatic(model,result,inputParser) - returns the calculated static stress inside a SG based on a pde model
% (by Yilun Sun, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-22 as class: FEM/PDE)
% This fnctn calculates the static von-Mises stress inside the SG.
% By default, the model mesh is used for stress caluclation.
% If only a few points are of interest, use a vertex list as optional
% input parameter. In this case, the calculation is done for any points
% (also outside of the grid) but there will by no graphical output.
% (Status of: 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload, pdeplotresult
% [stresstensor,sVonMises]=pdestressstatic(model,result,[inputParser])
% model: pde-model (attention: modified / call by reference)
% result: simulation result of fnctn pdesolvesurfaceload
% inputParser: see Property Names
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'FaceAlpha' : Alpha value, default is 1
% 'Points' : Vertex list [nx3], default is empty
% 'Plot' : 'on' or 'off', default is 'off'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% stresstensor: List of stress tensors
% sVonMises: static von-Mises stress
% EXAMPLE: Simple Load Example:
% A=SGbox([100,40,40])
% model=pdemodelofSG(A,5);
% [result, model]=pdesolvesurfaceload(model,4,2,1e4)
% pdeplotresult(model,result)
% pdestressstatic(model,result)
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload, pdeplotresult

SGshapeOptiSKO(SG,)- plots the surface load of a solid geometry

SGshapeOptiSKO(SG,)% SGshapeOptiSKO(SG,) - plots the surface load of a solid geometry
% (by Yilun Sun, VLFL-Lib, 2018-FEB-22 as class: FEM/PDE)
% =======================================================================
% =======================================================================
% This fnctn displays the surfaceload sitation that is used as input for
% the fnctns:
% pdesolvesurfaceload
% pdestressstatic
% SGshapeOptiCAO
% (Status of: 2018-03-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: pdestressstatic, pdesolvesurfaceload, SGshapeOptiCAO
% [SG2,resultSKO]=SGshapeOptiSKO(SG,[])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'MaxElementSize' : the face indices of the faces which are fixed
% 'LoadFaceIndices' : the face indices of the faces which are loaded
% 'Load' : the load list according to LoadFaceIndices(unit of load is N)
% 'FixedFaceIndices' :
% 'IterationNumber' :
% 'FixedDomain' :
% 'VolumeConstraint' :
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG2:
% resultSKO:
% EXAMPLE: PL1 = [0 0;1 0;1 1;9 1;9 0;10 0;10 5;6 5;6 6;4 6;4 5;0 5];
% SG1 = SGofCPLz(PL1,1);
% h = 0.4;
% iFixedFace = [3 11];
% iLoadFace = 7;
% Load = [0 -200 0];
% FixedDomain = {[0 10;0 0.9;0 1]};
% niter = 8;
% VolPer = 0.75;
% resultSKO =
% TopologyOptiSKO(SG1,'MaxElementSize',h,'FixedFaceIndices',iFixedFace,...
% 'LoadFaceIndices',iLoadFace,'Load',Load,'IterationNumber',niter,...
% 'VolumeConstraint',VolPer,'FixedDomain',FixedDomain);
% See also: pdestressstatic, pdesolvesurfaceload, SGshapeOptiCAO

SGofCPLrota(CPL,alp,mov,amin,h)- returns a solid geometry by rotateing a closed x z contour around z axis

SGofCPLrota(CPL,alp,mov,amin,h)% SGofCPLrota(CPL,alp,mov,amin,h) - returns a solid geometry by rotateing a closed x z contour around z axis
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-OKT-18 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.2
% See also: SGofCPLz, SGofCPLsphere, SGbeating, SGofCPLT, SGofCPLrot,
% SGofCPLzchamfer
% [VL,FL]=SGofCPLrota(CPL,[alp,mov,amin,h])
% CPL: Closed contour in [x z]
% alp: sweeping angle
% mov: false = cut; negative x values; true=move to zero
% amin: angle offset; default is 0
% h: optional height to create gear worms etc.
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex list or SG
% FL: Facet list
% EXAMPLE: SGofCPLrota(CPLsample(31),1.5*pi);
% SGofCPLrota(PLcircle(10),1.5*pi,false);
% SGofCPLrota(PLcircle(10),1.5*pi,true);
% PLtrans0(PLgearrackDIN(1,1)); PL=ans; PL=PL-[0 min(PL(:,2))]; PLplot(PL,'b-')
% SGofCPLrota(CPLofPL(PL(:,[2 1])+[5 0]),12*pi,false,'',20);
% PLtrans0(PLgearrackDIN(1,1)); PL=[ans;nan nan; PLcircle(0.5)]; PL=PL-[0 min(PL(:,2))]; PLplot(PL,'b-')
% SGofCPLrota(CPLofPL(PL(:,[2 1])+[5 0]),12*pi,false,'',20);
% See also: SGofCPLz, SGofCPLsphere, SGbeating, SGofCPLT, SGofCPLrot,
% SGofCPLzchamfer
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
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Last Change Oct 2023 for SG-Lib 5.3