SGfigurepapermode- removes picture title and increases font size for publications |
% SGfigurepapermode - removes picture title and increases font size for publications % (by Tim Lueth and Yilun Sun, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-12 as class: USER % INTERFACE) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGfigureeval % % SGfigurepapermode % % EXAMPLE: % SGfigure(SGbox) % SGfigurepapermode % % See also: SGfigureeval % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
PoseofCPLui(CPLP,CPLB,CPLW)- allows the interactive move of poses of contours |
% PoseofCPLui(CPLP,CPLB,CPLW) - allows the interactive move of poses of contours % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-05 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Poseofimageui, Poseorderchange, Posetransui % % PS=PoseofCPLui(CPLP,[CPLB,CPLW]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPLP: Effektor contour % CPLB: Background Contour % CPLW: Warning/Blocked Contour % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % PS: Pose Struct include A, B, CPLE, CPLB, CPLW % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=PLcircle(70,'','',80); CPLW=PLcircle(60,'','',70); CPL=[CPL; nan nan; CPLW]; % SGfigure; CPLplot(CPL,'r-'); CPS=polyshape(CPL); CPSplot(CPS); % [CPLB,CPLE]=CPLsplitbool(CPL);cla; CPSplot(CPLE,'g'); CPSplot(CPLB,'k'); % PoseofCPLui (CPLE,CPLB,CPLW); PS=ans % % See also: Poseofimageui, Poseorderchange, Posetransui % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
smlDeleteall(asys,typ)- delete all lines and block of a block diagram |
% smlDeleteall(asys,typ) - delete all lines and block of a block diagram % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-04 as class: SIMMECHANICS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: smbDeleteUnconnectedLines % % % smlDeleteall([asys,typ]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % asys: default is gcs % typ: default is {'line','block} % % EXAMPLE: % new_system('SGLib_Arduino_Example','FromFile','Example_Arduino.slx'); open_system('SGLib_Arduino_Example'); % smlDeleteall(gcs,'line') % % See also: smbDeleteUnconnectedLines % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
smlhelp- simply open the help page for programmatic model editing |
% smlhelp - simply open the help page for programmatic model editing % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-03 as class: SIMMECHANICS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: smbhelp % % smlhelp % % See also: smbhelp % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
smlArduinoexample- creates a servo motor simulink model for stand-alone application on arduino |
% smlArduinoexample - creates a servo motor simulink model for stand-alone application on arduino % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-03 as class: SIMMECHANICS) % % This fnctn creates programmatically the simulink sheet for servo motor % control % % This information was collected by Andreas Schroeffer in August 2019. % Use the ADD-ONS/MANAGE-ADD-ONs button in the HOME menu of the command % window. Install the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware first. % Install the MATLAB Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware % afterwards. For "setup", the Arduino must be connected to a USB port. % The computer should have less than 16 USB ports during the % installation. Remove all USB hubs from the Matlab computer. % For PC and MAC tested by Andreas Schroeffer, Christoph Rehekampff, % Yilun Sun, Tim Lueth % % There are three challanges for this fnctn % 1) Programmatical Block Diagramm Design % 2) Parameterization of the Solver for the Simulation % 3) Parameterization of the Coder for the stand-alone-Programm on Arduino % Currently for (2) and (3) a .slx file is used that was created for % arduino by Mathwork staff % (Status of: 2019-08-22) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: smlNewSystem, smlArduinohelp % % smlArduinoexample % % EXAMPLE: % smlArduinoexample % % See also: smlNewSystem, smlArduinohelp % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
smlNewSystem(SName,Coder)- opens a new simulink sheet - overwrites an exiting one |
% smlNewSystem(SName,Coder) - opens a new simulink sheet - overwrites an exiting one % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-03 as class: SIMMECHANICS) % % The Coder parameters are taken from a file named 'Example_Arduino.slx'. % If this file is missing, try loadweb ('Example_Arduino.slx',true); % (Status of: 2019-08-05) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: smbNewSystem % % smlNewSystem([SName,Coder]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SName: Name of the new system such as % Coder: Name of Sheet Example; default is 'arduino' % % EXAMPLE: % smlNewSystem('SGLib_Arduino_Example') % % % See also: smbNewSystem % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
smbhelp- This fnct is intended to provide a quick and efficient introduction to the programmable interface of simulink and simscape. |
% smbhelp - This fnct is intended to provide a quick and efficient introduction to the programmable interface of simulink and simscape. % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-02 as class: SIMMECHANICS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: slhelp % % smbhelp % % See also: slhelp % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGscale2dim(SG,dim,scc,T)- scales a solid to fit into a box with given dimensions |
% SGscale2dim(SG,dim,scc,T) - scales a solid to fit into a box with given dimensions % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-02 as class: SURFACES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGgrowoutsideFS, SGgrow, SGmagnifyVL, SGshrinktofit % % SGN=SGscale2dim(SG,[dim,scc,T]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geoemtry % dim: size in [x y z] % scc: dimensions to consider default is 'xyz' % T: optional Coordinate system or frame name that defines x y zdefault % is '' % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGN: New Geometry % % EXAMPLE: % SGscale2dim(SGbox,[10 10 10],'yz') % % See also: SGgrowoutsideFS, SGgrow, SGmagnifyVL, SGshrinktofit % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGselectGroupofBBvol(SGorg,gtyp)- returns the solid ordered by volumes |
% SGselectGroupofBBvol(SGorg,gtyp) - returns the solid ordered by volumes % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-02 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGselectGroupofT % % [SGN,SGall,vol,bb]=SGselectGroupofBBvol(SGorg,[gtyp]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGorg: Original Solid % gtyp: group method for SGanalyzePenetration % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGN: largest Solid % SGall: All Solids sorted by volume of bb % vol: vol of bb % bb: bounding box % % EXAMPLE: % SGselectGroupofBBvol(SGsample(17)) % SGselectGroupofBBvol(SGsample(17),'box') % % See also: SGselectGroupofT % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
smlArduinohelp(request)- help to connect an arduino to matlab since 2018b |
% smlArduinohelp(request) - help to connect an arduino to matlab since 2018b % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-01 as class: USB INTERFACE) % % Andreas Schroeffer motivated this fnctn. Information was collected by % For PC and MAC by Andreas Schroeffer, Christoph Rehekampff, Yilun Sun, % Tim Lueth for PC and MAC. % (Status of: 2019-08-03) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: USBhelp, smlArduinoexample % % smlArduinohelp([request]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % request: % % See also: USBhelp, smlArduinoexample % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGselectGroupofT(SG,T,gmethod)- returns the part of the solid that contains a point, or a frame center |
% SGselectGroupofT(SG,T,gmethod) - returns the part of the solid that contains a point, or a frame center % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-01 as class: SURFACES) % % ATTENTION: SGselectGroupofT is based on SGanalyzeGroupParts is based on % SGanalyzePenetration is based on VLFLinpolyhedron. VLFLinpolyhedron has % a some bug such as the problem to interprete multi-surface solids % (Status of: 2019-08-02) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGselect3d, SGanalyzePenetration, SGanalyzeGroupParts % % % SGN=SGselectGroupofT(SG,T,[gmethod]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid % T: Frame or point % gmethod: default is 'box' % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGN: Selected Groups of Solids % % EXAMPLE: % SGselectGroupofT(SGsample(17),[0 0 5]) % wrong result % SGselectGroupofT(SGsample(17),[1 1 5]) % correct result % % See also: SGselect3d, SGanalyzePenetration, SGanalyzeGroupParts % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
dbprintf(var2base)- like printf but shows the calling fnct and with dbprintmode also an hyperlink |
% dbprintf(var2base) - like printf but shows the calling fnct and with dbprintmode also an hyperlink % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: dbreturn, dbexit, dbsave, dbprintmode, debugTL, fprintf, % sprintf, fprintfvec, fprintfvec2, str2codelines, sprintfvec % % dbprintf([var2base]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % var2base: parameter such as of printf % % EXAMPLE: % dbprintf('test') % % See also: dbreturn, dbexit, dbsave, dbprintmode, debugTL, fprintf, % sprintf, fprintfvec, fprintfvec2, str2codelines, sprintfvec % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |
thisfuncname- just returns the name of the calling fnct |
% thisfuncname - just returns the name of the calling fnct % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-AUG-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % very similar to titleofcaller (Status of: 2019-08-01) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: titleofcaller % % [t,td]=thisfuncname % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % t: name of calling fnctn % td: % % EXAMPLE: % thisfuncname % % See also: titleofcaller % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGTcopynames(SGA,SGB,ListB,ListA,Overw)- copies Frames from one Solid into another one |
% SGTcopynames(SGA,SGB,ListB,ListA,Overw) - copies Frames from one Solid into another one % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-31 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTset, SGTremove, SGTcopy, SGTui, SGTget, SGTplot, % SGTframeplot, SGTsetofFS % % SGA=SGTcopynames(SGA,SGB,[ListB,ListA,Overw]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid to receive frames % SGB: Solid to cope frames from % ListB: optional list of frames to copy % ListA: optional new name of frames to copy % Overw: if true; force overwrite % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGA: Modified Solid with unique framenames % % EXAMPLE: % SG=JACOsample(1) % SGTcopynames(SGTremove(SG,{'B'}),SG,{'F','B'},{'F','Y'},false) % % % % See also: SGTset, SGTremove, SGTcopy, SGTui, SGTget, SGTplot, % SGTframeplot, SGTsetofFS % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGjacosample(n,m)- creates magnified solids in the workspace |
% SGjacosample(n,m) - creates magnified solids in the workspace % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-31 as class: SURFACES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: JACOmodel, jaco05 % % SG=SGjacosample([n,m]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % n: number of link or string of link such as 'JCF' % m: magnification size; default is .48 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: Solid Geometry of the JACO robot module in magnification size m % % EXAMPLE: % % SGjacosample % JC0=SGjacosample('JC0'); JC1=SGjacosample('JC1'); % SGTconnectingplug(JC0,JC1,{'F','B'},10) % % See also: JACOmodel, jaco05 % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGprintPreForm(SG,ptyp)- sends an SG to the PreForm app of Formlab |
% SGprintPreForm(SG,ptyp) - sends an SG to the PreForm app of Formlab % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-31 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGmeshlab % % SG=SGprintPreForm(SG,[ptyp]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geoemetry to print % ptyp: 'arrange', 'box', 'pack', 'sep' % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: % % EXAMPLE: % SGprintPreForm(SGbox) % % See also: SGmeshlab % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
volofBB(BB)- simply returns the volume of a bounding box or a cell list of bounding boxes |
% volofBB(BB) - simply returns the volume of a bounding box or a cell list of bounding boxes % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-30 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: sofBB, BBofCPL, BBofCPS, BBofPose, BBofPS, BBofSG, % BBofSGcutT, BBofT, BBofVL % % V=volofBB(BB) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % BB: Bounding Boxes % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % V: Volume % % EXAMPLE: % volofBB(SGbox) % % See also: sofBB, BBofCPL, BBofCPS, BBofPose, BBofPS, BBofSG, % BBofSGcutT, BBofT, BBofVL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
VMofSGweight(SG,d)- returns a voxel model of a Solid Geoemtry using SGweight/SGisinterior |
% VMofSGweight(SG,d) - returns a voxel model of a Solid Geoemtry using SGweight/SGisinterior % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-30 as class: VOXELS) % % The voxel size is adjusted automatically to maximize the resolution. % The absolute position in space is lost. The orientation is unchanged. % (Status of: 2019-07-30) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGweight, SGvolume, SGisInterior, VMofSG, SGofVMdelaunay, % SGofVMmarchcube, VMofSG, VMplot % % [VM,sz,SGN,xl,yl,zl]=VMofSGweight(SG,[d]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % d: size of voxel % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % VM: Voxel Model % sz: Voxel size % SGN: Optional Solid by marching cube % xl: list of x values of the Voxel Model % yl: list of x values of the Voxel Model % zl: list of x values of the Voxel Model % % EXAMPLE: % VMofSGweight(SGsample(27),.5); VM=ans; whos VM % % VMdistancetoSG(VM) % % See also: SGweight, SGvolume, SGisInterior, VMofSG, SGofVMdelaunay, % SGofVMmarchcube, VMofSG, VMplot % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGmeshtetrahedron(SG,h)- creates a tetramesh of a Solid Geometry - same as SGmeshtetrahedron |
% SGmeshtetrahedron(SG,h) - creates a tetramesh of a Solid Geometry - same as SGmeshtetrahedron % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-30 as class: FEM/PDE) % % USE SGshortopti before to remove oben boundaries and non manifold % vertices % This fnctn uses the importGeometry and generateMesh fnctns of the % PDE-Toolbox to create a mesh of the solid an creates a triangualatin % from this data. % ATTENTION: SGtetramesh WILL NOT MELT SEPERATED SOLIDS, They are still % independent surfaces % In contrast to the normal PDE mesh, the linear mode is used here to % create the 4-facet meshes directly % % If SGtetramesh fails with error: "The input mesh is invalid" => % SGcheckmeshlab % If SGtetramesh fails with error: "Meshing failed with a Hmax of" => % Self intrusion! (Status of: 2022-05-23) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, SGaddfacetcenterpoints % % % [SGn,VL,FL,TR]=SGmeshtetrahedron(SG,[h]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geoemtry % h: maximum mesh length; default is sofBB/20 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGn: Solid Geoemtry based on a PDE mesh % VL: Vertex list % FL: Facet list % TR: Tetrahedron triangulation % % EXAMPLE: % SGtetramesh(SGsample(17)) % SGtetramesh(SGsample(17),3) % SGtetramesh(SGsample(35)) % failes because of non manifold % SGtetramesh(SGsample(36)) % failes because of self intrusion % % See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, SGaddfacetcenterpoints % % % % Copyright 2019-2022 Tim C. Lueth |
VMdistancetoSG(SG,d,invert,frame)- Creates a Voxel model with distance values from the surface |
% VMdistancetoSG(SG,d,invert,frame) - Creates a Voxel model with distance values from the surface % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-29 as class: SURFACES) % % Same as GPLdistancetoCPL in 3D (Status of: 2019-07-29) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % [VM,VMi]=VMdistancetoSG(SG,[d,invert,frame]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % d: grid distance % invert: % frame: % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % VM: Integer Voxel Model for % VMi: Logical Voxel Model for iswall % % EXAMPLE: % M=repmat(eye(5),[1 1 5]); % M=repmat(eye(50),[1 1 50]); VMdistancetoSG(M); % M=repmat(eye(50),[1 1 50]); VMdistancetoSG(M,'',false,true); VMM=ans; % SGfigure; view(-30,30); VMscatter(VMM(:,:,1:25)); % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
VMscatter(VM,)- Plots a 3D matrix as particle model |
% VMscatter(VM,) - Plots a 3D matrix as particle model % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-29 as class: VOXELS) % % h=VLscatter(VLofVM(VM),VM(VM>0),varargin{:}); % (Status of: 2019-07-30) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: VLscatter, SGofVMdelaunay, SGofVMisosurface, SGofVMmarchcube % % h=VMscatter(VM,[]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % VM: 3D Matrix to plot % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % h: handle to graphics object % % See also: VLscatter, SGofVMdelaunay, SGofVMisosurface, SGofVMmarchcube % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
VMneighborhood(M,nn)- returns of a n x m or n x m x k 2D or 3D Matrix the neighborhood values |
% VMneighborhood(M,nn) - returns of a n x m or n x m x k 2D or 3D Matrix the neighborhood values % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-28 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % This auxiliary fnctn is used to create filter for 2D and 3D matrices % Learn also about "Structuring Elements of Matlab" (Status of: % 2019-07-29) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: strel, strel2nhood % % [NH,ni]=VMneighborhood([M,nn]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % M: Matrix, the neighborhood is desired % nn: neigborhood % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % NH: Matrix of size [size(M) n] consisting already all neighbors % ni: Neighborhoodindex for the use like M(ni), which is the same as NH % % EXAMPLE: % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=eye(2) % M=nan(5,5,5); M(2:4,2:4,2:4)= reshape(1:27,3,3,3); M=M*10 % M=nan(5,5,5); M(2:4,2:4,2:4)= reshape(floor(rand(1,27)*100),3,3,3); M=M % NH=neighborhood(M,'4'); M, NH % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=eye(2); NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (sum(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=eye(2); NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (mean(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (sum(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (mean(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (max(NH,'',3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (min(NH,'',3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'8'); M, (sum(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, (sum(NH,3,'omitnan')) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, IN=sum(isnan(NH),3) % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=reshape(1:4,2,2)'; NH=VMneighborhood(M,'4'); M, IN=sum(isnan(NH),3), M=(sum(NH,3,'omitnan'))./(4-IN) % % See also: strel, strel2nhood % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
Graphplot(G,GPL,M)- plot a graph with coodinates |
% Graphplot(G,GPL,M) - plot a graph with coodinates % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-26 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: PLplot, VLplot, VLELplot, PLELplot, CPLplot, CPSplot % % h=Graphplot(G,[GPL,M]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % G: Graph % GPL: optional Node Coordinates % M: optional Color Values % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % h: handle to graphics object % % See also: PLplot, VLplot, VLELplot, PLELplot, CPLplot, CPSplot % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGTconnectingplug(SGA,SGB,FA,FB,h,ATyp,BTyp)- returns a solid part that can be used to connect both solids by a positive connection |
% SGTconnectingplug(SGA,SGB,FA,FB,h,ATyp,BTyp) - returns a solid part that can be used to connect both solids by a positive connection % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-26 as class: AUTOMATIC DESIGN) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTconnect, SGTcopy, SGcolorcopy, SGTconnectingplug % % % SGTconnectingplug(SGA,SGB,[FA,FB,h,ATyp,BTyp]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid A with a hole/cavity in direction of Frame FA % SGB: Solid B with a hole/cavity in direction of Frame FB % FA: Frame Name of a Frame at Solid SGA; default is 'F' % FB: Frame Name of a Frame at Solid SGB; default is 'B' % h: height % ATyp: SGA Positive Connection Type for SGTconnect; default is 'plug' % BTyp: SGB Positive Connection Type for SGTconnect; default is 'plug' % % EXAMPLE: % A=SGsample(16); SGTset(A,'F',TofFS(A,[0 0 1])); A=ans; % B=SGsample(7); SGTset(B,'B',TofFS(B,[0 0 1])); B=ans; % SGTconnectingplug(B,A,'B','F') % % loadweb JACO_robot.mat; A=JC0, B=JC1 % SGTconnectingplug(A,B) % % See also: SGTconnect, SGTcopy, SGcolorcopy, SGTconnectingplug % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
GPLnearestpoint(GPL,p)- returns the nearest point index within a Grid point list |
% GPLnearestpoint(GPL,p) - returns the nearest point index within a Grid point list % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-25 as class: VOXELS) % % d=vecnormr(GPL-p); i=find(d==min(d)); i=i(1); % (Status of: 2019-07-25) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % [i,p]=GPLnearestpoint(GPL,[p]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % GPL: Grid Point List % p: point to check % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % i: nearest point % p: point coordinates % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=CPLsample(13); GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,.1,'','','','',true); % [GPL,k]=GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,.1,'','','','',true); % GPLnearestpoint(GPL) % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
ELdistanceofmatrixneighbors(M,n)- Calculates from a potential field consisting of doubles and nan the neighborhood weights |
% ELdistanceofmatrixneighbors(M,n) - Calculates from a potential field consisting of doubles and nan the neighborhood weights % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-25 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % This fnctn is used to create weighted edge lists for graphs for search % algorithms % 1 2 3 % 4 5 6 % 7 8 9 % (Status of: 2019-07-26) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % [EL,iM,G]=ELdistanceofmatrixneighbors(M,[n]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % M: potential % n: default is 4 neighborhood % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % EL: Edge List [Start End Distance] % iM: indices of Matrix % G: weighted graph % % EXAMPLE: % M=nan(4,4); M(2:3,2:3)=eye(2) % M=nan(5,5); M(2:4,2:4)= reshape(1:9,[],3)'; M % GPLdistancetoCPL(CPLsample(13),.1,'','','',true); % [GPL,M]=GPLdistancetoCPL(CPLsample(13),.5,'','','',true); % [EL,G]=ELdistanceofmatrixneighbors(M); % ai=GPLnearestpoint(GPL), bi=GPLnearestpoint(GPL), pli=shortestpath(G,ai,bi); PLplot(GPL(pli,:)) % % See also: GPLdistancetoCPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
GPLparameters(x,y,z)- Auxiliary fnct to calculate xmin ymin dx and dy from a given meshrid or VL |
% GPLparameters(x,y,z) - Auxiliary fnct to calculate xmin ymin dx and dy from a given meshrid or VL % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-25 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % xmin=min(x,[],1:3) % ymin=min(y,[],1:3) % dx=x(1,2)-x(1,1) % dy=y(2,1)-y(1,1) % (Status of: 2019-07-25) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % [orgp,delt,ux,uy,uz]=GPLparameters([x,y,z]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % x: GPL of x of meshgrid % y: empty or y of meshgrid % z: empty or y of meshgrid % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % orgp: [minx miny minz] % delt: [dx dy dz] % ux: unique of x values usable for meshrid % uy: unique of y values usable for meshrid % uz: unique of z values usable for meshrid % % EXAMPLE: % GPL=GPLauxgridpointsCPS(PLsquare(30,10),1); % GPLparameters(GPL) % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,GPL,k,x,y,cdown,cins)- returns for a grid point list the point distance insider or outside of a contour |
% GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,GPL,k,x,y,cdown,cins) - returns for a grid point list the point distance insider or outside of a contour % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-24 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % This fnctn is required for path planning with maximal distance to % contour walls % For Solid Geometries use VMdistancetoSG instead (Status of: 2019-07-26) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: GPLauxgridpointsCPS, GPLdistancepointsCPS, % GPLpotentialpointsCPS, VMdistancetoSG % % [GPL,k,x,y]=GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,[GPL,k,x,y,cdown,cins]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Contour to use % GPL: grid distance or Grid point list % k: inside outside analysis if existing % x: x mesh grid % y: y mesh grid % cdown: distance to wall or distance to center % cins: inside or outside contour % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % GPL: Grid point list % k: distance list; nan for prohibited areas % x: x mesh grid % y: y mesh grid % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=PLsquare(40,10) % GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,.05,'','','','',true); % CPL=CPLsample(13); % GPLdistancetoCPL(CPL,.1,'','','','',true); % GPLdistancetoCPL(CPLsample(13),.1,'','','',true); % GPLdistancetoCPL(CPLsample(13),.1,'','','',false); % % See also: GPLauxgridpointsCPS, GPLdistancepointsCPS, % GPLpotentialpointsCPS, VMdistancetoSG % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
TRofCPL(CPL)- just returns a 2D triangulation |
% TRofCPL(CPL) - just returns a 2D triangulation % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-24 as class: SURFACES) % % same as delaunay triangulation % [PL,EL]=PLELofCPL(CPL); TR2=delaunayTriangulation(PL,EL); % (Status of: 2019-07-26) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: delaunayTriangulation, VLFLofCPL % % % TR2=TRofCPL(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: CLosed Polygon list % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % TR2: 2D Triangulation % % EXAMPLE: % TRofCPL(CPLsample(16)) % % See also: delaunayTriangulation, VLFLofCPL % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
jaco05- returns all the parts fo the jaco robot in specified geometry |
% jaco05 - returns all the parts fo the jaco robot in specified geometry % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-22 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES) % % Simple linear scaling at the moment (Status of: 2019-07-22) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGboxpacking % % SGn=jaco05 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGn: Solid Geometry containing all parts and the box for printing % % EXAMPLE: % jaco05 % % See also: SGboxpacking % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofSGThull(SG,T)- Creates the CPLofSGhull after an transformation relative to a frame |
% CPLofSGThull(SG,T) - Creates the CPLofSGhull after an transformation relative to a frame % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-22 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGhull % % [CPL,T,CVL]=CPLofSGThull(SG,[T]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % T: Frame char or HT matrix % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: CPL of contour (XY after transformation) % T: HT matrix of transformation % CVL: CVL of the spatial transformed CPL % % See also: CPLofSGhull % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
TofFSui(SG,FS,rz,fe)- returns the frames of a touched surface |
% TofFSui(SG,FS,rz,fe) - returns the frames of a touched surface % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-22 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Based on SGTui % TofFS - uses a ez vector or a number for indentification % TofFSui - uses a user interaction for identification % (Status of: 2019-07-29) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTui, TofFS % % T=TofFSui(SG,[FS,rz,fe]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % FS: Selector such as 'R1' % rz: optional ez rotation % fe: optional feature angle % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % T: HT Matrix of the Frame % % EXAMPLE: % SGbox; A=ans; % TofFS(A,2) % Selection by Number % TofFS(A,[0 0 1]) % Selection by ez-Vector % TofFSui(A) % Selection by User interaction % % See also: SGTui, TofFS % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLremoveregionsholes(CPL,sline)- removes CPLs of small areas and small holes using the polyshape class |
% CPLremoveregionsholes(CPL,sline) - removes CPLs of small areas and small holes using the polyshape class % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-19 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLregionsholes, CPLremstraightAmin, CPLremstraight, % CPLremovearea, imofimsketch % % CPLN=CPLremoveregionsholes(CPL,[sline]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Original CPL % sline: minimal length (not area) % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLN: CPL without removed areas % % EXAMPLE: % I=rgbsketch; imshow(I); shg; % imshow(imofimsketch(I));shg % CPLremovearea(CPLofimage(I)) % CPLremovearea(CPLofimage(imofimsketch(I))) % % See also: CPLregionsholes, CPLremstraightAmin, CPLremstraight, % CPLremovearea, imofimsketch % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGcapontop(SG,b,T,ctyp,cpos,offs)- returns a solid that covers the geometry from top to a specified length |
% SGcapontop(SG,b,T,ctyp,cpos,offs) - returns a solid that covers the geometry from top to a specified length % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-17 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN) % % This fnctn is a good example for automated design in comparision with % parametric design. It is used to create positive connection to solids % from above or in the direction of a z-axis of a Frame. Those parts can % be connected by SGTconnect to create couplings between two solids by % means of a positive connection. % Connection type under development are: % 'Simple' - For a positive connection of the outer shape % 'Plug' - For a positive connection of the innver shape % 'Full' - For a positive connection of outer and inner shape ('default') % There is a simpler version based on projection also: % "SGcapontopprojection" (Status of: 2020-08-11) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTconnect, SGcap2, SGtorquefuse, SGcapontopprojection % % [SGC,SG,CPLh,CPL]=SGcapontop([SG,b,T,ctyp,cpos,offs]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % b: [z and w] depth and wall thickness % T: Optional frame relative to SG (Char) to specify upwards % ctyp: cover type; default is 'default' Try 'plug' or 'full', or 'simple' % cpos: reference for coverage 'none', 'frame' , 'surface' % offs: used for plug to make sure that the plug looks outside % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGC: Solid Geometry that covers SG from the top with Frames 'F' and 'B' % SG: Solid Geometry with modified Frame 'F' to adjust to Cap % CPLh: Convex hull contour % CPL: % % EXAMPLE: % SGservosample(4); SG=ans; % SGcapontop(SG,[3 1.5] % SGmotorN20('encoder'); SG=ans; % % See also: SGTconnect, SGcap2, SGtorquefuse, SGcapontopprojection % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |
exp_2019_07_16_cap- CPLofCVLz(CVL,top/ |
% exp_2019_07_16_cap - CPLofCVLz(CVL,top/ % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-16) % % Die maximale Außenkontur muss erreicht werden danach geht die Kappe % senkrecht nach unten. Gibt es keine Veränderung mehr, kann die % Außenkappe auch optional an dieser Z-grenze beendet werden. % Die Außenkonturen von oben werden durch tieferliegenden Konturen % erweitert % % Die innenkonturen von oben werden durch die tieferliegenden Konturen % beschnitten! % Es gibt zwei Typen von Kappen: DIe Kappen die eine Innenkontur besitzen % und die Kappen die eine Außenkontur besiten. Zuerst wird die Haut % gebaut und dann die Kappe nach oben hin eventuell AUSSEN auf die % maximalkontur erweitert. % % (Status of: 2019-07-16) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % exp_2019_07_16_cap % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGbitISO1173(n,l,d)- Bite Geometry related to Bit DIN 3126 ISO 1173 |
% SGbitISO1173(n,l,d) - Bite Geometry related to Bit DIN 3126 ISO 1173 % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-15 as class: SURFACES) % % NEVER PRINT BITS => THEY WILL BRAKE AND DESTROY THE WRENCH (Status of: % 2019-07-15) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGsnaprivet, SGtorquelimiter, SGtorquefuse % % SG=SGbitISO1173([n,l,d]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % n: % l: % d: % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: Solid Geometry % % EXAMPLE: % SGbitISO1173 % SGbitISO1173(4) % % See also: SGsnaprivet, SGtorquelimiter, SGtorquefuse % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGTconnect(SGA,SGB,TNA,TNB,d)- connects the geometries of two solids based on surfaces that are identified by frame names |
% SGTconnect(SGA,SGB,TNA,TNB,d) - connects the geometries of two solids based on surfaces that are identified by frame names % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-14 as class: SURFACES) % % Simplified Frame Name Based version of SGconnect2FS % (Status of: 2019-07-15) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTconnect, SGtransrelSG % % SGC=SGTconnect(SGA,SGB,TNA,TNB,[d]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid A % SGB: Solid B % TNA: Frame Name A % TNB: Frame Name B % d: distance in z % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGC: Final solid with copied frame names % % EXAMPLE: % SGsample(17); A=ans; SGTset(A,'M',[1 0 0]); A=ans; SGTset(A,'B',[-1 0 0]); A=ans % SGtorquefuse; B=ans % SGTconnect(A,B,'M','B',10); C=ans; % SGTconnect(C,B,'F','B',10); % % See also: SGTconnect, SGtransrelSG % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGTcopy(SGA,SGB,Framenames)- copies Frames from one Solid into another one |
% SGTcopy(SGA,SGB,Framenames) - copies Frames from one Solid into another one % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-13 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTcopynames, SGTset, SGTremove, SGTui, SGTget, SGTplot, % SGTframeplot, SGTsetofFS % % SGA=SGTcopy(SGA,SGB,[Framenames]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid to receive frames % SGB: Solid to cope frames from % Framenames: optional list of frames to copy % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGA: Modified Solid with unique framenames % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),5); A=ans; % SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10),5); B=ans; SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',5,'transx',3); B=ans % SGTset(A,'M',[0 0 1]); A=ans; % SGTset(B,'S',[0 0 -1]); B=ans; % SGTcopy(A,B,'S') % % See also: SGTcopynames, SGTset, SGTremove, SGTui, SGTget, SGTplot, % SGTframeplot, SGTsetofFS % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
findfacetsinSG(SGA,SGB)- creates a correlation index list of the facets in FLA and FLB |
% findfacetsinSG(SGA,SGB) - creates a correlation index list of the facets in FLA and FLB % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-13 as class: SURFACES) % % same as findfacetsinVLFL % (Status of: 2019-07-13) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: ismemberFL, maprows, findfacetsinVLFL, PLcorrelation, % SGcolorcopy % % cc=findfacetsinSG(SGA,SGB) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid A % SGB: Solid B % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % cc: facet correlation index list [ai bi] % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),5); A=ans; % SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10),5); B=ans; SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',5,'transx',3); B=ans % SGTset(A,'M',[0 0 1]); A=ans; % SGTset(B,'M',[0 0 -1]); B=ans; % SGconnect2FS(A,B,FSofSGfacet(A,31),TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])) % findfacetsinSG(A,C) % % See also: ismemberFL, maprows, findfacetsinVLFL, PLcorrelation, % SGcolorcopy % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
findfacetsinVLFL(VLA,FLA,VLB,FLB,order,flips)- creates a correlation index list of the facets in FLA and FLB |
% findfacetsinVLFL(VLA,FLA,VLB,FLB,order,flips) - creates a correlation index list of the facets in FLA and FLB % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-13 as class: SURFACES) % % Change in SG-Lib 4.9: Supports order and direction % slow(up to 6 recursive calls) (Status of: 2019-07-13) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: ismemberFL, maprows, PLcorrelation, SGcolorcopy % % cc=findfacetsinVLFL(VLA,FLA,VLB,FLB,[order,flips]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % VLA: Vertex list Solid A % FLA: Facet list Solid A % VLB: Vertex list Solid B % FLB: Facet list Solid B % order: if true the vertex order is ignored; default is false % flips: if true the facet direction is ignored; default is false % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % cc: facet correlation index list [ai bi] % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),5); A=ans; % SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10),5); B=ans; SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',5,'transx',3); B=ans % SGTset(A,'M',[0 0 1]); A=ans; % SGTset(B,'M',[0 0 -1]); B=ans; % SGconnect2FS(A,B,FSofSGfacet(A,31),TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])); C=ans % findfacetsinVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,C.VL,C.FL) % % findfacetsinVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,C.VL,C.FL(:,[2 3 1]),false) % findfacetsinVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,C.VL,C.FL(:,[2 3 1]),true) % finds even in other order % % findfacetsinVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,C.VL,C.FL(:,[1 3 2]),'',false) % findfacetsinVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,C.VL,C.FL(:,[1 3 2]),'',true) % finds even in flip surface normal % % % See also: ismemberFL, maprows, PLcorrelation, SGcolorcopy % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGcolorcopy(SGA,SGB)- copies facet colors of a reference solid to a requreste |
% SGcolorcopy(SGA,SGB) - copies facet colors of a reference solid to a requreste % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-13 as class: SURFACES) % % Since many operations modify facet lists it is very difficult to % maintain facet related colors during the operations. Therefor, this % fnctn copies the colors of a solid that are used in another one. Facet % are considered as identical if they use the same vertices in the same % order (Status of: 2019-07-13) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGcolorfaces, SGcolorseparation % % SGA=SGcolorcopy(SGA,SGB) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid to be colored % SGB: Colored reference solid % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGA: Solid with copied colors % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),5); A=ans; % SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10),5); B=ans; SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',5,'transx',3); B=ans % SGTset(A,'M',[0 0 1]); A=ans; % SGTset(B,'M',[0 0 -1]); B=ans; % SGconnect2FS(A,B,FSofSGfacet(A,31),TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])); C=ans % B=SGcolorfaces(B,'g') % SGcolorcopy(C,B) % % See also: SGcolorfaces, SGcolorseparation % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGtextstamp(SG,stext,ez,col)- adds a textstring on the surface |
% SGtextstamp(SG,stext,ez,col) - adds a textstring on the surface % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-12 as class: SURFACES) % % Since SG 5.1 only outside Surfaces are detected (Status of: 2021-03-10) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGtext, SGoftext, VLFLtextimage, SGofCPLz, CPLoftext, % SGtextbanner, CPLtextbanner, CPLtextimage % % [SGS,B]=SGtextstamp(SG,[stext,ez,col]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % stext: text for stamp % ez: orientation for surface, or Frame name to turn! % col: color; default is none % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGS: New solid with stamp % B: Just the Text Solid % % EXAMPLE: % A=SGbox; % SGtextstamp(A,'test',[0 -1 0]); % SGtextstamp(A,'test',[0 -1 0],'b'); % SGtextstamp(A,'','','r') % % See also: SGtext, SGoftext, VLFLtextimage, SGofCPLz, CPLoftext, % SGtextbanner, CPLtextbanner, CPLtextimage % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |
SGcenter(SG,cstr)- centers a solid on the x y or z axis |
% SGcenter(SG,cstr) - centers a solid on the x y or z axis % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-12 as class: SURFACES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGrotate, SGTransT % % SG=SGcenter(SG,[cstr]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % cstr: center string such as 'xyz' % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: Centered Solid % % EXAMPLE: % SGbox; A=ans; SGtrans1(A); B=ans; % SGcenter(B,'x') % SGcenter(B,'xz') % SGcenter(SGoftext('test'),'xyz') % % See also: SGrotate, SGTransT % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
FSofSGT(SG,T,dz,alpha,dr)- returns the facet index list of a Feature Surface for a given coordinate system |
% FSofSGT(SG,T,dz,alpha,dr) - returns the facet index list of a Feature Surface for a given coordinate system % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-10 as class: SURFACES) % % Attention ORDER of parameters changed in 4.9 % This fnctn is useful if the feature surface of a HT matrix or an % already used Letter should be recalculated. % It does work for T vectors that are near a surface. % It does work for T vectors that are ontop of a bore hole % (Status of: 2020-08-09) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: FSnormalofSG, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet, FSplot, FSselect, % crosspointVLFL % % [FIL,fcl]=FSofSGT(SG,[T,dz,alpha,dr]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geoemtry % T: Frame Name or HT matrix % dz: optional backward distance for ez to find the ez-crossed facet index % alpha: if an alpha angle is used, the FS will be recalculated anyway % dr: optional orthogonal distance to ez to find the radial ez-crossing % facets; not implemented yet % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % FIL: Facet index list for one feature surface % fcl: facet connectionlist % % EXAMPLE: % SGtorquefuse; SG=ans; % SG=SGbox % FSofSGT(SGbox,'Y-','',0.76) % up to angle .76 % FSofSGT(SGbox,'Y-','', 1.6) % up to angle 1.6 % FSofSGT(SGsample(45),'Y-') % just the plane surface % FSofSGT(SGsample(45),'F') % just the bore hole % % See also: FSnormalofSG, FSofSG, FSofSGfacet, FSplot, FSselect, % crosspointVLFL % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLisidenticalcontour(CPL1,CPL2,thr)- returns whether two contours overlap the same area |
% CPLisidenticalcontour(CPL1,CPL2,thr) - returns whether two contours overlap the same area % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-09 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Sliced solids create in each slice a different CPL even if the cross % section is identic. % This fnctn does not compare the points of a contour but the overlapping % area (Status of: 2019-07-10) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLbool % % [b,a,CPLD]=CPLisidenticalcontour(CPL1,CPL2,[thr]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL1: CPL of contour 1 % CPL2: CPL of contour 2 % thr: threshold; default is 1e-3 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % b: logical value % a: area difference % CPLD: % % EXAMPLE: % PL1=PLcircle(10); PL2=PLtransR(PL1,rot(pi/3)); % CPLisidenticalcontour(PL1,PL2) % CPLisidenticalcontour(PL1,PL2+.1) % % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10); A=ans; % CPLofSGslice(A,3); CPL1=ans; % CPLofSGslice(A,7); CPL2=ans; % cla; CPLplot(CPL1,'r*-',4); CPLplot(CPL2,'g*'); shg % CPLisidenticalcontour(CPL1,CPL2) % % % See also: CPLbool % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGtorquefuse(dim,wt)- returns a SG consisting of three parts to implement a clutch |
% SGtorquefuse(dim,wt) - returns a SG consisting of three parts to implement a clutch % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-09 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGof2T, SGof2SGT, SGsnaprivet, SGtorquelimiter % % SGC=SGtorquefuse([dim,wt]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % dim: % wt: % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGC: Clutch Geometry % % EXAMPLE: % SGtorquefuse % % See also: SGof2T, SGof2SGT, SGsnaprivet, SGtorquelimiter % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofSGpinholes(SG,ez,ms,wt)- returns the Geometry |
% CPLofSGpinholes(SG,ez,ms,wt) - returns the Geometry % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-09 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN) % % This fnctn is a step towards automatic design: % In general I would like to use standardized frame that belong to % surfaces of the motors % S - for Shaft of the motor % M - for Mounting Flange of the motor (Status of: 2019-07-11) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLpinholesinCPL % % [CPLB,CPLA]=CPLofSGpinholes(SG,[ez,ms,wt]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % ez: % ms: % wt: % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLB: % CPLA: % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLpinholesinCPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGconnect2FS(SGA,SGB,FLAi,FLBi)- returns the connecting straight solid structure between two surfaces of two solids |
% SGconnect2FS(SGA,SGB,FLAi,FLBi) - returns the connecting straight solid structure between two surfaces of two solids % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-09 as class: SURFACES) % % There are two possible vertex lists as output % VLA2 - is vertex list of A extended by the boundary vertices of FLBi % VLA3 - is vertex list of A extended by the full list of vertices of VLB % VLC - is just the vertices of FLAi and FLBi % FLC - is just the wall facets of the connecting structure wrt. VLC % FLA2 - is just the wall facets of the connecting structure wrt. VLA2 % % (Status of: 2020-08-13) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: FLofPLcorrelation, SGof2SGT, SGconnect, SGconnect2T % % [SGC,FLAC,FLBC,FLNC,SGN]=SGconnect2FS(SGA,SGB,FLAi,FLBi) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGA: Solid A with VL and FL % SGB: Solid B with VL and FL % FLAi: Feature Surface index list at Solid A, or Frame Name or HT-Matrix % FLBi: Feature Surface index list at Solid B or Frame Name or HT-Matrix % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGC: Combined Solid Geometry without Frames and % FLAC: Facet list of A without FLAi related to SGC.VL % FLBC: Facet list of B without FLBi related to SGC.VL % FLNC: Facet list of new wall related to SGC.VL % SGN: Solid Geometry only of the open wall % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),5); A=ans; % SGofCPLz(PLcircle(10),5); B=ans; SGtransrelSG(B,A,'ontop',5,'transx',3); B=ans % SGTset(A,'M',[0 0 1]); A=ans; % SGTset(B,'M',[0 0 -1]); B=ans; % SGconnect2FS(A,B,'M','M') % SGconnect2FS(A,B,'M',TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])) % SGconnect2FS(A,B,[31,33],TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])) % SGconnect2FS(A,B,FSofSGfacet(A,31),TofFS(B,[0 0 -1])) % % % See also: FLofPLcorrelation, SGof2SGT, SGconnect, SGconnect2T % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
circlearoundPL(CPLZ)- returns radius and center point of the surrounding circle |
% circlearoundPL(CPLZ) - returns radius and center point of the surrounding circle % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-08 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: centerCPL, centerPL % % [r,cp]=circlearoundPL(CPLZ) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPLZ: CPL % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % r: Radius % cp: center point % % EXAMPLE: % circlearoundPL(CPLsample(13)) % % See also: centerCPL, centerPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
unsortNaN(CPL)- change the order the entries of a NaN separted list |
% unsortNaN(CPL) - change the order the entries of a NaN separted list % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-08 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % mainly for testing other NaN fnctns (Status of: 2019-07-08) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: selectNaN, lengthNaN, replaceNaN, cellofNaN, separateNaN, % uniqueNaN % % CPLU=unsortNaN(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Original nan separated list % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLU: Unsorted nan separated list % % EXAMPLE: % CPLsample(13); CPL=ans; % hideingca('text'); unsortNaN(CPL); CPL=ans; textCVL(ans); shg % % See also: selectNaN, lengthNaN, replaceNaN, cellofNaN, separateNaN, % uniqueNaN % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
uniqueNaN(CPL)- finds copies of lists such as CPL with in a nan separted list |
% uniqueNaN(CPL) - finds copies of lists such as CPL with in a nan separted list % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-08 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: selectNaN, lengthNaN, replaceNaN, cellofNaN, separateNaN, % uniqueNaN % % % [CPLU,ai]=uniqueNaN(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Original NaN sperated list % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLU: Reduced Nan separted list with unique entries % ai: indes list for % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=[CPLsample(13);nan nan;CPLsample(13)] % [a,b]=uniqueNaN(CPL) % % See also: selectNaN, lengthNaN, replaceNaN, cellofNaN, separateNaN, % uniqueNaN % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGreadMAT(FName)- loads a Solid Geometry or other struct as mat file on disk |
% SGreadMAT(FName) - loads a Solid Geometry or other struct as mat file on disk % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-07 as class: FILE HANDLING) % % ..see SGwriteMAT.. % This fnctn allow to read in a SG struct with a generated information % that would disappear since the STL format does not support Frames etc. % (Status of: 2019-07-07) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGwriteMAT, SGreadSTL, SGreadOBJ % % SG=SGreadMAT([FName]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % FName: Filename of mat file to read % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: struct read from file % % EXAMPLE: % SGbox([30,20,10]); SG=ans; % SGTsetofFS(SG,2,'F'); SG=ans % fn=SGwriteMAT(SG,'test') % zzz=SGreadMAT(fn) % SGfigure; view(-30,30); SGTplot(zzz) % % See also: SGwriteMAT, SGreadSTL, SGreadOBJ % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGwriteMAT(SG,FNAME);- saves a Solid Geometry or other struct as mat file on disk |
% SGwriteMAT(SG,FNAME); - saves a Solid Geometry or other struct as mat file on disk % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-07 as class: FILE HANDLING) % % at JHU Baltimore % In case of complex solid geometries, this is the only standard to % include frames, names and other fields into the written file for export % and import using matlab. % In contrast to 'save', this fnctn allows the call without giving the % file name as string (Status of: 2019-07-07) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGreadMAT, STLwriteSTL, STLwriteOBJ, STLwriteVRML % % FNAME=SGwriteMAT(SG,[FNAME]); % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry variable name % FNAME: optinale file name for desktop write % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % FNAME: Complete filename path name extension % % EXAMPLE: % SGbox([30,20,10]); SG=ans; % SGTsetofFS(SG,2,'F'); SG=ans % fn=SGwriteMAT(SG,'test') % zzz=SGreadMAT(fn) % SGfigure; view(-30,30); SGTplot(zzz) % % See also: SGreadMAT, STLwriteSTL, STLwriteOBJ, STLwriteVRML % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLpinholesinCPL(CPL,rmin,bord)- returns the CPLs of the pins that would fit into bore holes of servos or PCB |
% CPLpinholesinCPL(CPL,rmin,bord) - returns the CPLs of the pins that would fit into bore holes of servos or PCB % (by Tim Lueth, , 2019-JUL-06) % % .. on the flight JHU, Baltimore.. % support real holes or structures at the outer (Status of: 2019-07-07) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofSGhull % % CPLH=CPLpinholesinCPL(CPL,[rmin,bord]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: CPL created by CPLofSGboreholes % rmin: minimal radius to consider; default 2 mm % bord: border of the outer contour that should not be touched by the % pins; default 1mm % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLH: CPL of pins that fit into the bore holes % % EXAMPLE: % SGcmdsample('3156'); C=ans; % CPLofSGboreholes(C,'',1.5); CPLC=ans; CPLplot(CPLC,'m',4); % CPLpinholesinCPL(CPLC,1);CPLH=ans; % bb=BBofSG(C), SGofCPLz(CPLH,bb([5:6])), SGplotalpha(C,'r',0.2); % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofSGhull % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLplotcwccw(CPL)- plots a CPL in different colors depending on the orientation |
% CPLplotcwccw(CPL) - plots a CPL in different colors depending on the orientation % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-06 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLisccw, CPLplotinout, CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, % CPLisccw, CPLisccwcorrected, CPLsetallcw % % h=CPLplotcwccw(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Closed Polygon Line % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % h: handle to drawing and annotation % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=CPLsample(13); % SGfigure; CPLplotcwccw(CPL); textCVL(CPL); % SGfigure; CPLplotcwccw(CPLflipud(CPL)); textCVL(CPL); % % See also: CPLisccw, CPLplotinout, CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, % CPLisccw, CPLisccwcorrected, CPLsetallcw % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLflipud(CPL)- flips one by one the CPL up and down to change the ordner cw / ccw |
% CPLflipud(CPL) - flips one by one the CPL up and down to change the ordner cw / ccw % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-06 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % In contrast to simply calling flipud, this fnctn does not change the % order of the contours within CPL. (Status of: 2019-07-06) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: flipud, CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, CPLisccw, % CPLisccwcorrected, CPLsetallcw % % CPLflipud(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Closed Polygon Line; contours separated by nan nan % % EXAMPLE: % CPLflipud(CPLsample(13)) % CPLflipud(flipud(CPLsample(13))) % % See also: flipud, CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, CPLisccw, % CPLisccwcorrected, CPLsetallcw % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLsetallcw(CPL)- sets all contours of a CPL to cw |
% CPLsetallcw(CPL) - sets all contours of a CPL to cw % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-05 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % this fnctn can be used to show the effect of polybuffer or polyshape % (Status of: 2019-07-05) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, CPLisccw, CPLisccwcorrected % % CPL=CPLsetallcw(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: CPL % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: CPL with all polygons in cw % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=CPLsample(13) % CPLisccw(CPL) % CPLsetallcw(CPL); X=ans; % CPLbuffer(X,.5) % % See also: CPLisccwinout, CPLsortinout, CPLisccw, CPLisccwcorrected % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLremoveoverlap(CPL)- For each contour of CPL the polyshape is simplified |
% CPLremoveoverlap(CPL) - For each contour of CPL the polyshape is simplified % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-04 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Some fnctns such as SGofCPLZ require CPL contours that have no % selfcrossing/overlap % CPLrepair, % CPLremoveoverlap, % CPLregionsholes, % CPLrecontour % CPLremnoise % CPLfft % CPLoutercontour (Status of: 2019-07-04) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLrepair, CPLregionsholes, CPLrecontour, CPLremnoise, % CPLfft, CPLoutercontour % % CPL=CPLremoveoverlap(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Original CPL % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: CPL without overlapping areas % % EXAMPLE: % CPLremoveoverlap([CPLsample(25)]); % CPLoutercontour(CPLsample(25)) % % See also: CPLrepair, CPLregionsholes, CPLrecontour, CPLremnoise, % CPLfft, CPLoutercontour % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
Posefourbaranglelimit(PS,aps,ival)- limits the angle are of a specific fourbar solution |
% Posefourbaranglelimit(PS,aps,ival) - limits the angle are of a specific fourbar solution % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Posefourbarangles, Posefourbarposelimit % % PS=Posefourbaranglelimit(PS,aps,ival) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PS: Pose struct including PS.GAL % aps: number of attachment point solution % ival: [min max] angle of the crank % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % PS: Pose struct with modified PS.GAL angle interval % % See also: Posefourbarangles, Posefourbarposelimit % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGTchainanimation(SGs,IVL,z,Fchain,stp,axo);- creates an animation of kinematic chains |
% SGTchainanimation(SGs,IVL,z,Fchain,stp,axo); - creates an animation of kinematic chains % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTframeChain, SGTchain, vecinterpolate % % [h,axG]=SGTchainanimation(SGs,[IVL,z,Fchain,stp,axo]); % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SGs: Cell list of Solids to move % IVL: Rows of angle values for the joints % z: z value for explosion drawings % Fchain: number of steps between two rows of IVL; default is 1 % stp: number of interpolation betweem two rows % axo: optional axis definition % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % h: handle to the drawing % axG: automated created axis/Bounding box for the movement % % EXAMPLE: % w1=pi/2 % SGTchainanimation(JACO,[NaN -w1/3 w1 pi/3 w1 w1 pi/6; [NaN -w1/3 w1 pi/3 w1 w1 pi/6] + pi],0,Fchain,50); % Move the solids w,r,t to the Frame Structure % [~,BBJACO]=BBofSG(JACO,true) % SGTchainanimation(BBJACO,[NaN -w1/3 w1 pi/3 w1 w1 pi/6; [NaN -w1/3 w1 pi/3 w1 w1 pi/6] + pi],0,Fchain,50); % Move the solids w,r,t to the Frame Structure % % % See also: SGTframeChain, SGTchain, vecinterpolate % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
vecinterpolate(VL,stp)- returns a vector row interpolation by |
% vecinterpolate(VL,stp) - returns a vector row interpolation by % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-03 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % This fnctn is helpful to created interpolation values for n DoF robot % kinematics (Status of: 2019-07-03) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGTframeChain, SGTchain % % IVL=vecinterpolate(VL,[stp]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % VL: list of row vectors % stp: step number for interpolation % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % IVL: Interpolated vector list % % EXAMPLE: % vecinterpolate([NaN 1 2 3 ; 0 4 5 6; 30 40 50 60; nan 400 500 600],2) % vecinterpolate([0 0 0; 10 20 30],5) % % See also: SGTframeChain, SGTchain % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLcirclesofPL(PL,r)- create a list of circles for a list of points |
% CPLcirclesofPL(PL,r) - create a list of circles for a list of points % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-02 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: PLcircle, CPLcopypatternPL % % CPL=CPLcirclesofPL(PL,[r]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PL: Center point list % r: radius of the circles % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: Closed Polygon line % % EXAMPLE: % CPLcirclesofPL(rand(3,2)*10,1) % % See also: PLcircle, CPLcopypatternPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGclosurecapofFS(SG,fi,t,in)- Automated Design of Closure Cap |
% SGclosurecapofFS(SG,fi,t,in) - Automated Design of Closure Cap % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-02 as class: PARAMETRIC DESIGN) % % Could be improved one day by slicing (Status of: 2019-07-02) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: SGselect3d, FSofSGfacet, CPLofVLFL, CPLregionsholes % % % [SGcap,SGfix,CPLo,CPLi,T,ez]=SGclosurecapofFS(SG,[fi,t,in]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % fi: one facet index of FS or empty for interactive selection % t: thickness; default is one % in: inlay if true; onlay if false; default is false % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGcap: SG of Closure Cap (green) % SGfix: SG of Fixture (blue) in case of inlay to add to Solid % CPLo: % CPLi: % T: % ez: % % EXAMPLE: % SGclosurecapofFS(SGsample(25)) % select % SGclosurecapofFS(SGsample(25),95) % close % SGclosurecapofFS(SGsample(25),107) % no opening % SGclosurecapofFS(SGsample(25),301) % no opening % SGclosurecapofFS(SGsample(25),95,'',true) % close inlay % % % See also: SGselect3d, FSofSGfacet, CPLofVLFL, CPLregionsholes % % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
Rofview090(ew,aw)- returns the rotation matrix to rotate the object into a view direction |
% Rofview090(ew,aw) - returns the rotation matrix to rotate the object into a view direction % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-01 as class: USER INTERFACE) % % i.e. T=Tofview(ew,aw); R=(T(1:3,1:3) *rot(0,pi,0)); % (Status of: 2019-07-01) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Tofcam, Tofview, Rofview % % R=Rofview090(ew,aw) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % ew: elevation angle as in view % aw: azimut angle as in view % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % R: Matrix to rotate a solid that it look in view(0,90) like in (ew,aw); % % EXAMPLE: % SGsample(17); A=ans; view(-30,30); % % R=Rofview090(-30,30); B=SGtransR(A,inv(R)); view(0,90); SGplot(B,'g'); % % % See also: Tofcam, Tofview, Rofview % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
Tofview(ew,aw)- returns the Transformation matrix of the camera for a specific view with a change of view |
% Tofview(ew,aw) - returns the Transformation matrix of the camera for a specific view with a change of view % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-01 as class: USER INTERFACE) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Tofcam, Rofview % % T=Tofview(ew,aw) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % ew: elevation angle as in view % aw: azimut angle as in view % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % T: Transformation matrix % % EXAMPLE: % SGsample(17); A=ans; view(0,0); % left side view % T=Tofcam % by default view % T=Tofview(0,0) % T=Tofview(0,90) % % See also: Tofcam, Rofview % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
textSG(SG,c,s,nt,lb)- creates descriptors for cells of solid geometries |
% textSG(SG,c,s,nt,lb) - creates descriptors for cells of solid geometries % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-01 as class: USER INTERFACE) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL, VLFLfaceNormalplot, % textVL, textCPS, SGanalyzeGroupParts % % h=textSG(SG,[c,s,nt,lb]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid % c: color of descriptor % s: size of descriptor % nt: selector for cells % lb: Letter for Desciption % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % h: handle to text % % EXAMPLE: % SGreadSTL('/Volumes/LUETH-WIN/WIN AIM Matlab Libraries/STL Files for SG-Lib/STL of PCBs/Raspberry Pie Zero Sleek v8.stl'); A=ans, % SGanalyzeGroupParts(A); textSG(ans) % SGfigure; SGplot(A); textSG(B,'r',24); view(-30,30); % % See also: textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL, VLFLfaceNormalplot, % textVL, textCPS, SGanalyzeGroupParts % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofSGhull(SG,T)- returns the outer contour of a solid |
% CPLofSGhull(SG,T) - returns the outer contour of a solid % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUL-01 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Inverse of this fnctn could be interesting to create solids from % (Status of: 2019-07-07) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGslicer, CPLofgcaborehole090, CPLofSGboreholes, % CPLofgcaborehole, CPLpinholesinCPL % % [CPLXY,CPLXZ,CPLYZ,T,NPLXY,NPLXZ,NPLYZ]=CPLofSGhull(SG,[T]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geoemetry % T: % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLXY: Contour blue % CPLXZ: Contour green % CPLYZ: Contour red % T: % NPLXY: % NPLXZ: % NPLYZ: % % EXAMPLE: % A=SGcmdsample('3156'); CPLofSGhull(A) % % See also: CPLofSGslicer, CPLofgcaborehole090, CPLofSGboreholes, % CPLofgcaborehole, CPLpinholesinCPL % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGlib- simply opens the WWW pages and Matlab central |
% SGlib - simply opens the WWW pages and Matlab central % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-29 as class: USER INTERFACE) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % SGlib % % EXAMPLE: Just try SGlib % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGofCPLzcontour(CPL,z,ph,ed,shp);- extrudes a CPL into a Solid Geometry modifying the CPL along z using a contour shape |
% SGofCPLzcontour(CPL,z,ph,ed,shp); - extrudes a CPL into a Solid Geometry modifying the CPL along z using a contour shape % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-26 as class: SURFACES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: PLchamfer, SGof2CPLsz, SGofCPLz, SGofCPLz % % [SG,SFLW,SFLA,SFLB]=SGofCPLzcontour([CPL,z,ph,ed,shp]); % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Contour to extrude % z: height for extrusion % ph: scale of reduction ; default is 0.3 = 30% % ed: round corners; default is false % shp: such as 'circ', bezier' ,'mattheck'; see PLchamfer for strings % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SG: Final Solid Geometry % SFLW: Surface facets of the wall % SFLA: Surface facets of the floor % SFLB: Surface facets of the ceiling % % EXAMPLE: % SGofCPLzcontour(CPLsample(10)) % SGofCPLzcontour(CPLsample(9)) % SGofCPLzcontour(CPLsample(10)*100,500,1) % % See also: PLchamfer, SGof2CPLsz, SGofCPLz, SGofCPLz % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGliblogo- creates an animated GIF 2D Logo for Matlab Central |
% SGliblogo - creates an animated GIF 2D Logo for Matlab Central % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-26 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: VLFLcreateLogo, gcasnapshot, snapplot % % SGliblogo % % EXAMPLE: % SGliblogo(5) % % See also: VLFLcreateLogo, gcasnapshot, snapplot % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLadd(CPLA,CPLB,ibool)- adds the outer contours and subtacts the holes of two CPLs |
% CPLadd(CPLA,CPLB,ibool) - adds the outer contours and subtacts the holes of two CPLs % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Overlaps filled and open contours; Helpful for mechanical design % different from CPLunion (Status of: 2019-07-18) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLbool, CPLregionsholes % % CPL=CPLadd(CPLA,CPLB,[ibool]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPLA: CPLA A % CPLB: CPLA B % ibool: '+' drills the holes through all, 'x' finds contour that fits % trough all holes % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: Final Contour % % EXAMPLE: % CPLadd(CPLsample(27),PLcircleoval(6,'',40,4)); % CPLadd(PLcircleoval(6,'',40,4),CPLsample(27)); % CPLadd(CPLsample(10),CPLsample(27)); % CPLadd(CPLsample(27),CPLsample(10)); % % See also: CPLbool, CPLregionsholes % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLselectinout(CPL,si,in1st)- returns selected CPLs based on their enclosure index |
% CPLselectinout(CPL,si,in1st) - returns selected CPLs based on their enclosure index % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % You can use CPLoutlinecontour if you need just the outline contours % (Status of: 2020-08-29) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLsortinout, selectNaN, CPLoutlinecontour % % % CPLS=CPLselectinout(CPL,si,[in1st]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: CPL % si: 0 = outside! surrounded by 1, 2 = surrounded by 2 etc. % in1st: true = insode start, false = outside start % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLS: Selected CPLs % % EXAMPLE: % CPL=CPLsample(14); SGfigure; CPLplotcolors(CPL,'',16); % CPLselectinout(CPL,[0 2]); % CPLselectinout(CPL,[1 2]); % CPLselectinout(CPLsample(26),[0 1],false); % Main contour Level 1 % CPLselectinout(CPLsample(26),[2 3],false); % Main contour Level 2 % CPLselectinout(CPLsample(14),[1 2],true); % Main Hole Level 1 % % See also: CPLsortinout, selectNaN, CPLoutlinecontour % % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
SGboreholemountingpost(SG,d,t,h)- returns a base plate and housing for mounting printed circuit bards |
% SGboreholemountingpost(SG,d,t,h) - returns a base plate and housing for mounting printed circuit bards % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-23 as class: SURFACES) % % In order to mount µC=boards (PCB) as automatically as possible on a % robot arm, this fnctn automatically generates a mounting base and a % housing cover for the µC board. (Status of: 2019-06-23) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % [SGM,SGP,PCB]=SGboreholemountingpost(SG,[d,t,h]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: SG of the PCP in xy % d: minimum diameter to detect bore holes; default is 2.0 % t: thickness of contours and height of base plate; default is 1.0 % h: height % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % SGM: Mounting Plate with fastener pods % SGP: Solid Plate under mounting plate % PCB: Contour of the PCB % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofSGboreholes(SG,ez,ms)- returns the contour of the shadow core in view (0,90) from above |
% CPLofSGboreholes(SG,ez,ms) - returns the contour of the shadow core in view (0,90) from above % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-22 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofgcaborehole, CPLofSGhull, % CPLpinholesinCPL % % [CPL,a]=CPLofSGboreholes(SG,[ez,ms]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % SG: Solid Geometry % ez: direction vector; default is [ 0 0 1] % ms: minimal diameter of hole; default is 4; neg => holes only % % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: Contour of shadow % a: area of contours % % EXAMPLE: % SG=SGsample(25); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,[0 0 1]); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,[0 1 0]); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,[1 0 0]); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,'',1); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,'',2); % CPLofSGboreholes(SG,'',-1); % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofgcaborehole, CPLofSGhull, % CPLpinholesinCPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofgcaborehole090- returns the contour of the shadow core in view (0,90) from above |
% CPLofgcaborehole090 - returns the contour of the shadow core in view (0,90) from above % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-22 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofSGhull % % CPL=CPLofgcaborehole090 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: Contour of shadow % % EXAMPLE: % SGsample(25) % CPLofgcaborehole % % See also: CPLofSGboreholes, CPLofSGhull % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
showprogress (i,n,dv)- creates a progress text in 5% steps and deletes it finally |
% showprogress (i,n,dv) - creates a progress text in 5% steps and deletes it finally % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-22 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % Useful fnctn if some procedures take unexpected time and the user needs % a progress bar (Status of: 2019-07-01) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: VLFLreadOBJ % % showprogress(i,n,[dv]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % i: current index % n: maximum index number % dv: optional step size; default is 5; % % EXAMPLE: % for i=1:200; showprogress(i,200); pause(.01); end; % Default step size % for i=1:200; showprogress(i,200,3); pause(.01); end; % 3 % Step size % % See also: VLFLreadOBJ % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLregionsholes(CPL)- separates CPLs into Surfaces and Holes |
% CPLregionsholes(CPL) - separates CPLs into Surfaces and Holes % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-22 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % This fnctns works different than the hole method of polyshape. It is % not sorting the contours but really create full shape outside contours % (to be added) and inside hole contours to be substracted. % This is the correct version for the fnctn simplify = true; % This fnctn is required for overlapping contours with holes before % Boolean operations (Status of: 2019-07-26) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: CPLadd, CPLremoveregionsholes % % [CPLo,CPLi]=CPLregionsholes(CPL) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Original CPL % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLo: Outside Conturs to add (RED) % CPLi: Hole Contours to substact (GREEN) % % EXAMPLE: % CPLregionsholes(CPLsample(15)); % CPLregionsholes(CPLsample(26)); % % See also: CPLadd, CPLremoveregionsholes % % % Copyright 2019-2020 Tim C. Lueth |
Poseorderchange(PS,c)- returs a pose struct with poses in changed order |
% Poseorderchange(PS,c) - returs a pose struct with poses in changed order % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-21 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % removes fields 'GAL','A0L','B0L','APS','GPL' % (Status of: 2019-06-21) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Posesample, Posetransui % % PS=Poseorderchange(PS,c) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PS: Pose struct % c: change pair % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % PS: New Pose struct % % EXAMPLE: % Posesample(12); PS=ans % Poseorderchange(PS,[2 3]) % % See also: Posesample, Posetransui % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
PLui(PL,col,linw)- interactive fnct to create and modify CPLS (Only one Contur) |
% PLui(PL,col,linw) - interactive fnct to create and modify CPLS (Only one Contur) % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-20 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Left Mouse button => Set remove and shift points by % Right Mouse button => Shift at edges, Rotate at corners % Middle Mouse Button => exit % More or less: CPL=VLui(CPL,'','',col,'',linw); (Status of: 2019-06-20) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: VLui, CPSlineui, CPLui, CPSui, PLsquareui, PLcircleui, % VLFLui, SGui, CPLsplitui, Poseofimageui, Poseui, SGTui % % PL=PLui([PL,col,linw]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PL: Optional PL; default is []; % col: Optional color; default is 'r-' % linw: optional line width; default is 2 % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % PL: Final Point List % % EXAMPLE: % cla; PLui() % cla; PLui(CPLsample(3)) % cla; PLui(CPLsample(3),'b-',3) % % See also: VLui, CPSlineui, CPLui, CPSui, PLsquareui, PLcircleui, % VLFLui, SGui, CPLsplitui, Poseofimageui, Poseui, SGTui % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPSlineui(CPS,col,linw,edge,caps)- interactive fnct to create and modify CPS lines (Only one Contur) |
% CPSlineui(CPS,col,linw,edge,caps) - interactive fnct to create and modify CPS lines (Only one Contur) % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-19 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % Left Mouse button => Set remove and shift points by % Right Mouse button => Shift at edges, Rotate at corners % Middle Mouse Button => exit % More or less: CPL=VLui(CPL,'','',col,'',linw); (Status of: 2019-06-20) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: VLui, CPLui, CPSui, PLui, PLsquareui, PLcircleui, VLFLui, % SGui, CPLsplitui, Poseofimageui, Poseui, SGTui % % CPS=CPSlineui([CPS,col,linw,edge,caps]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPS: Optional polyshape % col: Optional color; default is 'r' % linw: optional line width; default is 2 % edge: true = round, false = corner; default is false % caps: true = round, false = corner; default is false % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPS: Final CPS % % EXAMPLE: % cla; % CPSlineui('','b',2,true,true); CPSplot(ans,'r'); % CPSlineui('','m',2,false,false); CPSplot(ans,'m'); % % See also: VLui, CPLui, CPSui, PLui, PLsquareui, PLcircleui, VLFLui, % SGui, CPLsplitui, Poseofimageui, Poseui, SGTui % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofPLcontour(CPL,s,edge,caps)- Converts a PL into a CPL, if the distance of last point and first point is below a threshold |
% CPLofPLcontour(CPL,s,edge,caps) - Converts a PL into a CPL, if the distance of last point and first point is below a threshold % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % This fnctn closes a PL to a CPL if the distance between last and first % point is below a defined threshold, otherwise a CPL around the PL is % created. In this case the threshold is used to define the tickness of % the contour along the path % Auxiliary fnctn originally designed to compare the area of contours, % independed on closed contours or open contours % (Status of: 2019-06-19) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: PLofCPL, CPLofPL, CPSlineui % % CPL=CPLofPLcontour(CPL,[s,edge,caps]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % CPL: Closed Polygon line or Point List (separation by nan is possible) % s: threshold in percent if <.5 or absolut if s>0.5 % edge: treu=round edges; default is false % caps: treu=round caps; default is false % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPL: % % EXAMPLE: % CPLofPLcontour(PLcircle(10,'',pi/2*3.5),.05); % CPLofPLcontour(PLcircle(10,'',pi/2*3.5),7); % Still a path contour % CPLofPLcontour(PLcircle(10,'',pi/2*3.5),8); % Now considered as closed surface % % See also: PLofCPL, CPLofPL, CPSlineui % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
Posefourbarsearchcouplercurve(PS,CPLF,rots,CPLR,CPL1);- selects coupler courves based on the coupler curve |
% Posefourbarsearchcouplercurve(PS,CPLF,rots,CPLR,CPL1); - selects coupler courves based on the coupler curve % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-17 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES) % % This fnctn is similar to Posefourbarselectcouplercurve bu searches for % a fitting contour (Status of: 2019-06-17) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: Posefourbarselectui, PosefourbarselectAP, % Posefourbarselectcouplercurve % % [PSX,di]=Posefourbarsearchcouplercurve(PS,[CPLF,rots,CPLR,CPL1]); % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PS: Pose struct including CPLE, GPL, GAL % CPLF: Exact contour to fit best. % rots: true = full rotation, false = no rotation, default is both % CPLR: Area for Crank Base Point; default is not limits % CPL1: Area for Swing Base Point; default is CPLR % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % PSX: Pose with only the slelected solutions left % di: index list of the solutions in GAL that were selected % % EXAMPLE: % PS=Posesample(12); checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation(PS,'',20); PS=ans; % Posefourbarsearchcouplercurve(PS,PLsquare(60,4),true); PSX=ans; Posefourbaranimate(PSX,1) % Posefourbarsearchcouplercurve(PS,PLsquare(60,4),true,PLcircle(20)+[15 50]); PSX=ans; Posefourbaranimate(PSX,1) % % % See also: Posefourbarselectui, PosefourbarselectAP, % Posefourbarselectcouplercurve % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGfigureeval(codestr)- executes a command line and echos the command in SGfigure |
% SGfigureeval(codestr) - executes a command line and echos the command in SGfigure % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-16 as class: USER INTERFACE) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: eval, SGfigurepapermode % % SGfigureeval(codestr) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % codestr: code to execute % % EXAMPLE: % SGfigureeval('SGofCPLcommand("c 1, h 5, g 5 21, h 7")'); % % See also: eval, SGfigurepapermode % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
CPLofPosefourbarshape(PS,aps,sv)- returns the basic shapes of a pose fourbar linkage solution |
% CPLofPosefourbarshape(PS,aps,sv) - returns the basic shapes of a pose fourbar linkage solution % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-16 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS) % % In contrast to CPLofPosefourbarshaping, this fnctn returns a set of % straight contours for a fourbar linkage relate to one attachment point % solution (Status of: 2019-06-19) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLlinkofPL % % [CPLR,CPL1,CPL2,CPLE,PS]=CPLofPosefourbarshape(PS,[aps,sv]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % PS: Pose struct % aps: selected index of PS.GAL % sv: automated size for selection or [ro ri]; default is 1/8 of % min([L1;L2;R]) % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % CPLR: Crank contour % CPL1: Rocker Contour % CPL2: Minimal Coupler Contour with 3 holes % CPLE: Effector Contour = PS.CPLE & CPL2 % PS: Modified struct % % EXAMPLE: % PS=Posesample(12); checkfourbar3Poseattachpermutation(PS,'',10); PS=ans; % CPLofPosefourbarshape(PS,10); % % See also: TofPoseattachmentpoints, CPLlinkofPL % % % Copyright 2019 Tim C. Lueth |
SGlibmovepathtotop- moves the SG-Lib directory up in the search path |
% SGlibmovepathtotop - moves the SG-Lib directory up in the search path % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-15) % % Matlab adds fnctns from time to time that have a name that has already % been used in the SG-Lib. This leads to conflicts when using the SG-Lib. % Tim Lueth fixes these bugs with time but to secure the fnctnality of % the SG-Lib the path of the SG-Lib is set to the top. (Status of: % 2021-11-27) % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % SGlibmovepathtotop % % EXAMPLE: Just cann after starting matlab % SGlibmovepathtotop % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |
containscell(A,sstr,IgnoreCase)- finds a string segment into a cell list of strings |
% containscell(A,sstr,IgnoreCase) - finds a string segment into a cell list of strings % (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2019-JUN-15 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES) % % ======================================================================= % OBSOLETE (2021-11-04) - USE 'contains' INSTEAD % ======================================================================= % % Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.7 % % See also: [ contains ] ; contains, stldir % % ind=containscell(A,sstr,[IgnoreCase]) % === INPUT PARAMETERS === % A: Cell List of Strings % sstr: string to search % IgnoreCase: if true; case is ignored % === OUTPUT RESULTS ====== % ind: index list % % EXAMPLE: % a={'xedr','ere','tyui'}', containscell(a,'e') % % See also: [ contains ] ; contains, stldir % % % Copyright 2019-2021 Tim C. Lueth |